Sharpton’s show moved to 8am, Sunday mornings – IOTW Report

Sharpton’s show moved to 8am, Sunday mornings

NYDN- […] He also touted the 8 a.m. start time, which is earlier than Sunday morning shows like “Meet the Press.”

al sharpton mouth open

“The other hosts will be forced to talk about the news I’m making,” he said. “I will be setting the agenda.”

Sunday morning TV audiences aren’t necessarily larger than weeknight audiences, but Sharpton said a critical difference is that they include the people who make decisions.

“Everybody that deals with policy watches the Sunday morning shows,” he said. “I believe I can help set the policy tone.”

The Sunday move means Sharpton will be on the air for only one hour a week rather than five, but the “grind” of a daily show prevented him from traveling around the country as the presidential election campaign rolls along. MORE

Snip: His show is toast.

50 Comments on Sharpton’s show moved to 8am, Sunday mornings

  1. “The other hosts will be forced to talk about the news I’m making,” he said. “I will be setting the agenda.”
    “Everybody that deals with policy watches the Sunday morning shows,” he said. “I believe I can help set the policy tone.”

    Hahahaha! When you’re a Lefty if you believe something to be true, then it’s true! The science is settled. So shut up!

  2. First Mr. Ed the talking horses ass, and now Al. It’s so wonderful that all the people at MSNB-S have so much going on in their personal lives, that they can’t find the time to…hold onto their jobs.

  3. At first, I thought you had posted a photo of Al Sharpton on this blog.. But, then I realized it was just a “shit-stain” on a used mattress. Damn Photoshop Users!! you got me again!

  4. When he says “setting the tone”, he means social justice in terms of black people/white people. Or, ones
    won’t /don’t / work, and those who are willing to learn a skill, be subject
    to an employers’ authority, and ultimately become a taxpayer. Why do whites embrace the latter, and blacks refuse? ( not broadbrushing, this is for the majorical argument).

    For a black person to come into the workforce IN THE LEFTS’ MIND IS SLAVERY.

    So, he wants to establish the talking points to protect the blacks from those mean ‘ol hating whiteys. Am I missing anything?

  5. Oh…to see them drop that slack-ass attitude. We’re told to love our enemies, and I have to admit, I know some great black people, but otherwise I struggle with it. Truth.

  6. “Congratulations Al… you have been promoted ! We are taking your show off the air and you don’t even have to show up anymore !!”

    “Duh… all I can say is much I will and we much that be of this we were… “

  7. Zephaniah 2:3

    Seek the Lord, all you meek of the earth, Who have upheld His justice. Seek righteousness, seek humility. It may be that you will be hidden In the day of the Lord’s anger.

    Al, there are no hiding places for arrogant liars, deceivers, thieves, paid government moles, debtors to the IRS, race baiters, shakedown artists and False Pastors or mis-named Reverends (not biblical).

    Titus 2:6-8New King James Version (NKJV)

    6 Likewise, exhort the young men to be sober-minded, 7 in all things showing yourself to be a pattern of good works; in doctrine showing integrity, reverence, incorruptibility,[a] 8 sound speech that cannot be condemned, that one who is an opponent may be ashamed, having nothing evil to say of you.[b]

    Al you missed this one by a hundred miles

    What’s the point watching a fool.
    Proverbs 10:21

    The lips of the righteous feed many, But fools die for lack of wisdom.

    Never too late to repent and seek forgiveness, even for a fool

  8. I’ve been seeing this photo of him all night. Just now I scrolled down and when it popped up, I held my breath – he looks scared.

    I don’t know what that picture was from and before now, it looked like his usual arrogant self-righteous racist rant that we have seen so many times. But this time, I caught something in those eyes. He has seen God in all his glory and it made him tremble down deep into his soul. This is the point where he realized that his soul is as black as the darkness where Satan lives and he is doomed. He’s not sorry, not thinking of a way to escape for he knows his destination and fear, true life altering fear has taken root in him.

    Go back and look at the eyes. That is fear. Of course, It could have been there before because he has let one of Satan’s demons take him over and he is in there looking out. Captured for all eternity by evil more sinister than he ever imagined.

    Maybe I shouldn’t have eaten pizza tonight, whew, what dreams…

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