Shaun King Demands All Images and Statues of “White Jesus” Be Removed Next – IOTW Report

Shaun King Demands All Images and Statues of “White Jesus” Be Removed Next


“Yes,” Mr. King said regarding his support for tearing down images of Christ. “All murals and stained glass windows of white Jesus, and his European mother, and their white friends should also come down. They are a gross form [of] white supremacy. Created as tools of oppression. Racist propaganda. They should all come down.”More

46 Comments on Shaun King Demands All Images and Statues of “White Jesus” Be Removed Next

  1. Thank you for your opinion Mr King, but I disagree. And even if you get a Mob behind you to tear down these statues, that still won’t make Your Opinion any more valid. We are dealing with the Tyranny of the Mob, and the loudest voice doesn’t mean it’s correct.

  2. Church statuary and stained glass windows are funded by voluntary donations of church members and are designed to their specifications –with some handsome portrayals of Jesus as Black, Asian, Hispanic, etc. in various churches. They are not paid for with tax dollars or imposed on anyone. Keep your godless vandals away from the windows.

  3. Yes. All murals and stained glass windows of white Jesus, and his European mother, and their white friends should also come down. They are a gross form [of] white supremacy. Created as tools of oppression. Racist propaganda. They should all come down.

    Those are fighting words in the legal / common law sense.

  4. I’d suggest to BLM that Mr. King is guilty of the most egregious form of cultural appropriation, that of a black mans skin color. He deserves the maximum punishment.

  5. Irrelevant White Boy jumpin’ on the Band wagon weeks after it left the station. He’s an embarrassment to “real” intelligent, hard working Black and White Males.
    What a poofter.

  6. Well said @Little Morphin’ Annie. What you describe is generally known as ‘a commission’. A legal agreement between artist and benefactor or donator, they are different. Many of these windows were done as memorials to the dead, past pastors, etc. These commissions came in the form of ‘figurative, landscape and ornamental windows’. Many are currently protected with either plexiglass, a storm window or expanded wire of some type to prevent the ‘kid rock throwers’ from those times.

    One of my ‘gigs’ is to travel the NE, for now, in search of Tiffany and LaFarge windows, murals and ecclesiastical designs. I have been to many ‘black’ churches in doing this and this threat, and that’s what it is, will not be taken lightly, that is if this type of news even gets to them.

    This shit goes to my core.

  7. This faker might get a surprise.
    He better not piss of the Moslems.
    To them, Jesus is a prophet and Mary is revered.
    They were also both Semitic people, just like the Moslem’s Prophet. Europeans? Not hardly.
    His game may not go over too well as they are both highly
    ranked “People of the Book”.
    It would be funny if Shawnyboy wound up with a “Fatwah”
    for heresy to the Koran on his head.

  8. …you can smash a church you lost and shrieking demon, and probably WILL, but you can NEVER smash the faith that BUILT it…

    God wins. Every time.

    You will lose.

    And when you stand before Him in judgment, as we all shall one great and terrible day, He won’t be swayed by the skin color, and He won’t be pleased that you tried to divide His church into segregated sections.

    …and may your day of judgement be soon, and VERY soon, for the sooner we are rid of your hatred of your own race, the better this Nation will be.

    Enjoy hell.

    And don’t worry, in the Lake of Fire, everyone looks the same…

  9. Snow J Simpson says what? This dude just mouths off and gets other morons to do his dirty work, he wouldn’t be anywhere near anyplace he could be in harms way. He just might meet with an unfortunate ‘accident’ someday.


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