Shifty PA lawmaker wants to ban Confederate flag from Gettysburg battle reenactment – IOTW Report

Shifty PA lawmaker wants to ban Confederate flag from Gettysburg battle reenactment

AM: A Pennsylvania state government leader wants American history revised to tell her preferred version of events.

State Rep. Vanessa Lowery Brown (D-Philadelphia) doesn’t think the Confederate flag should be used during the re-enactment of bloody Gettysburg battle that occurred in early July 1863 during the Civil War — because organizers aren’t telling the story the way she wants it to be told.  more here

SNIP: Guess what! While searching for this handsome woman(?)’s photo, I found out some interesting info on her. She was caught up in a corruption sting [March 2016]

22 Comments on Shifty PA lawmaker wants to ban Confederate flag from Gettysburg battle reenactment

  1. Debating with a Leftists is like playing chess with a pigeon. They play out of turn, knock over all the pieces, sh!t on the board, and then they strut around like they won.

    Damn them all.

  2. Brown should go out to Gettysburg and protest the flags.
    As a reenactment, someone might capture her, thinking she’s an escaped slave and part of the act. That would give her an up-close taste of her “truth.”

    I’d buy tickets to that. 🙂

  3. I have had my fill of ignorant Negroes who by virtue of the travesty of affirmative action have found themselves in power.
    I am sure the majority of blacks in power in America are decent people, but I wish that every now and then, one of that decent majority would kick the living shit out of just one of the obviously blatant tics on the body politic.

  4. So this dumb broad thinks if she bans the Confederate flag from a Gettysburg reenactment that somehow or another the Confederacy must not have fought and lost to the Union Army at Gettysburg. Tell that to all the Confederate soldiers who were killed in Pickett’s charge or at little Round Top. Gettysburg was the pivotal battle of the Civil War that led to her ancestors being freed. She should be grateful for that rather than piss and moan about a Confederate battle flag. Most of my ancestors fought on the Union side, I’m not afraid of a Confederate battle flag like this nimrod apparently is.

  5. Leftists hate guns too. They should take away the confederate flag and all the guns at these reenactments. Maybe turn the event into a beach volleyball competition.

  6. I used to live across the street from KKK national headquarters and the office of David Duke. They never, ever flew the stars and bars, always the stars and stripes. Now, if one would bother to look at true history and not the juke you get in grade school, you will find that the CSA and the South have always been kinder to blacks than the North. Look up Melrose Plantation, an national park, you will find that it was a slave plantation owned by BLACKS. This was something that could not happen in the North, that is a Black individual owning a business as it was banned under the Black Laws of the North. In fact, free blacks in the South were the main element of the middle class and of the free blacks, 30% owned slaves. Black business was encouraged in the South in deference to the North were they were encouraged to leave the state within 30 days. So I really don’t understand the animosity to the stars and bars. And no, slavery had nothing to do with the War of Northern Aggression.

  7. This is the same moron who recently stole a historic confederate battle flag from the capitol rotunda and didn’t tell anyone for a couple of days. Once she was found out, she began whining on the pa house floor about how awfully racist that flag was. Never mind she left numerous other civil war southern flags undisturbed. So what does governor puppy do? Caves right in and says the flag should be removed. The woman faced no consequences or charge for her criminal act.

  8. George Orwell was just off by about 32 years.
    Where is Winston Smith to save us from Big Brother’s ministry of truth and its newspeak PC crap combined with rewriting history? It appears to now be established the Confederacy and the Confederate States battle flag are now part of the “unhistory” i.e., they never existed. If that is the case, wouldn’t it also appear that slavery never existed either.

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