Creep:  “Show me your boobs!” ( For Taylor Swift tickets) – IOTW Report

Creep:  “Show me your boobs!” ( For Taylor Swift tickets)

SNIP: Yeah, I have no idea why people like Epstein get away with so much. 🙄

Stermon had a tight relationship with the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office (JSO) which provided him with a swipe badge to access facilities and areas within buildings, which he used on more than 200 days since 2017, records show.

The political donor behind Ron DeSantis‘ rapid rise to prominence took his own life after he was accused of having an inappropriate relationship with an underaged teen, a investigation has revealed.

Kent Stermon’s suicide in December came shortly after the girl’s father turned down a ‘five-figure sum’ in a hush-money deal and reported him to the police instead, we have learned.

The prominent DeSantis ally and GOP donor, who was based in Jacksonville, Florida, was accused of having an inappropriate relationship with the girl, for whom he obtained highly sought-after Taylor Swift concert tickets which he said he’d give her if she sent him a photo of her breasts.

After the girl reluctantly complied, Stermon insisted she collect the tickets at his office – but when she turned up he refused to let her leave until she ‘showed him the real thing,’ law enforcement sources say.


50 Comments on Creep:  “Show me your boobs!” ( For Taylor Swift tickets)

  1. “Ron DeSantis rapid rise”
    Hmmm, “rapid?”
    Went to Harvard,
    Joined the military after 9/11.
    Worked as JAG in Gitmo.
    Re-elected Governor in landslide due to conservative causes that put Floridians & families first..

    Yep, this donor deserves ALL the credit for this *rapid rise.
    (*Nothing rapid whatsoever)
    Good FUCKING LORD you people are so transparent!

  2. I don’t even really know who Taylor Swift is except for that awful commercial where she’s prancing around in her underwear on a elevator for some stupid reason, selling some brand of beer. That commercial highly offends me, she is just another empty headed, overrated celebrity that I could care less about. Whatever happened to real classy women and not another in an endless parade of celebrity tramps and sluts.

  3. I wonder if dad bothered to sit his daughter down and ask her if she thought it was a good idea to send pics of her breasts to complete strangers?

    Five will get you ten this sleaze also donated money to Trump, that’s what donors do.

  4. Show me a pic with DeSantis & Epstein and/or Ghislaine Maxwell.
    I’ll wait.
    Meanwhile it will take 0.00018 Femto-seconds to pull up many pics & stories with Trump and the pair.

    BTW, if donors are disqualifying, kind of inconvenient that Trump donated to Bill & Hillary over the years…

  5. These same people that will rail about bullshit connections like this hated when the MSM pushed the “fine people on both sides” hoax.
    Yet here you are playing that game.
    We see you.
    I just want you to know that, we are not stupid people here.

  6. Wow Brad, you really went there? Next thing you will tell us is that rumors have it there are 5 bankruptcies in Ron’s past, that he routinely cheated on his wife while she was pregnant and paid each one hush money through his scummy lawyer, that he wildly exaggerated the number of people that attended his inauguration, that he ignored hundreds of his supporters while they rot in prison on bogus charges, that he called election officials in Florida and ordered them to,”Find me some more votes”, and on slow days he likes to walk around Miami and grab women by their pussy.

    Please provide us with any links or substantiation of RDS being linked to Epstein, like your boy.

  7. Rich, Trump has already called DeSantis a “covid lockdown” governor.
    Even though I can find 50 videos of Trump bashing DeSantis for opening Florida too soon. The AUDACITY!
    Hell, he WILL do all those things you listed.

    The man has ONE tact and ZERO shame.

  8. I know there are a lot of sick fucks out there but this story is just mind-boggling. A successful businessman with a family, connections, and a fair amount of prestige propositions a complete stranger, a minor no less, or get something he could get on the internet anonymously?

    Yeah, one less creep in the world, but I’m sure his family and friends are suffering, what was he thinking?

  9. Back in her early days Taylor Swift had the build of a teenage boy.
    She has since filled out a bit but nowhere near voluptuous.

    I admit to liking her latest hit “Anti-hero”
    It’s catchy… look it up unless of course you are insecure about your manhood.

  10. A few weeks ago I saw this movie Wifelike;

    ht tps://

    Nothing great but the girl was pretty. But it got me thinking about how close we are to the reality of sex reboots.

    Within my lifetime men will have the option of removing themselves from the dating scene and removing women from their lives altogether. They will be able to purchase a humanoid-type apparatus that will look, feel, and function like a typical wife but without the, well, you know.

    Procreation will all be handled in the lab and men and women will not have to interact unless they want to. Whether this is utopian or dystopian you can decide but we won’t (or shouldn’t) have any more stories like the above.

  11. okay, if the author can editorilize with ” reluctantly complied”, then so can I – this young “lady” wanted the Taylor Swift tickets so badly she was willing to send indiscreet pictures to a stranger to get them. Once her father found out the $#%& hit the fan. Sorry, but they just aren’t that innocent anymore.

  12. Russia,Russia, Russia
    What we all know Vlad is loved by the Don & Donny is praising Xi now because China is helping out his bestest bud aka fellow bare-back rider. Saddle up.

  13. ““That’s not the guy I want sitting across from President Xi [Jinping] … or sitting across from [President Vladimir] Putin and trying to resolve what’s happening in Ukraine, if you can’t see around a corner [Disney CEO] Bob Iger created for you,” Christie said Tuesday during a livestreamed interview with Semafor, adding: “I don’t think Ron DeSantis is a conservative, based on his actions towards Disney.”

  14. Wow, a quote bashing DeSantis, praising Disney from Crispie Christie who, um, *checks notes* works as an ABC contributor which is, *looks at notes again* um, OWNED BY DISNEY?

    You are epic in your pathetic attempts.
    Keep it up, class is still in session as long as you can handle the embarrassment Brad.

  15. “I don’t think Ron DeSantis is a conservative, based on his actions towards Disney.”

    Alright, Brad, you posted this garbage, please explain to me how his actions were un-conservative. Show some accountability for your comments, dissect this for me.

  16. I commend you for trying Rich, but you won’t get a response.
    Christie not only works for Disney, he shut down a bridge for a political beef.
    Sounds hypocritical.
    He shuttered a beach and then took his fat family there.
    Doesn’t sound too conservative either if you ask me.
    Fatboy has had lifelong dem donors.
    Fatboy walking hand in hand with obama just before the 2012 election doesn’t seem too conservative either.

    But hey, Fatboy is an ally to the likes of Brad, just like Keith Olbermann.

  17. He is a working guy and I get that work takes precedence, but I hate hit-and-run commenters, throwing shit on the wall and then scurrying away. I’m hoping we can revisit this when he gets off work because accusing RDS of not being a conservative, you better have some damn good evidence for that assertion.

  18. TedAi is correct in his assessment.
    “Going after a huge corporation is not the republican way.”
    Agreed, totally.
    The republican way is to let corporations like Nike, the NFL, Disney, HBO, Proctor & Gamble, SHIT all over us and we say “thank you sir, may I have another.”
    Thing is though, there is a new sheriff in town in Florida, where woke goes to die.

    Or we can re-hire the mad-tweeter who appeases big corp that craps all over us.

  19. I don’t know who Taylor Swift is, but I wouldn’t send pictures of my flabby tits to get tickets to see her.
    Shit! I wouldn’t send pictures of HER tits to get tickets to see her!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  20. There’s enough mud being slung around this thread to host a mud wrestling tournament. Speaking of boobs, do ya’ll prefer the mud to be on the thin, watery side or more to a nice roux-like consistency to the mud in your wrestling pits?

  21. Speaking of Taylor Swift, I just read a Business Insider piece reporting that of all the celebrities that endorsed SBF’s crocked FTX exchange (Brady, Shaq, Gisele, Stephen Curry, Larry David) she was the only one that asked questions, then backed out, smelling a rat. Smart girl, that one.


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