Sidney Powell on 2020 election fraud, Trump’s staffers, car accidents, and SCOTUS – IOTW Report

Sidney Powell on 2020 election fraud, Trump’s staffers, car accidents, and SCOTUS


On Friday December 4, 2020, a 20-year-old campaign worker for Senator Kelly Loeffler named Harrison Deal was killed in a fiery three car crash on Interstate 16.  On Thursday night March 11th, during an explosive interview carried on BEK TV with Doug Billings, Attorney Sidney Powell alleges the crash was not an accident.

When responding to questions about why Bill Barr let us down and did not pursue legal cases/investigations about election fraud Ms. Powell responded: “frankly I think it is something much darker than that”, and then comes the bombshell:

“I do have knowledge of other people being threatened and horribly intimidated by threats and extortion, and even the murder of Kelly Loeffler’s young staffer in Georgia. That was no car accident he was vaporized by whatever the explosion was.  Some people who know more about it than I do tell me it had to have been thermite to have triggered such a fireball such as happened in that car.”


42 Comments on Sidney Powell on 2020 election fraud, Trump’s staffers, car accidents, and SCOTUS

  1. I think john roberts has been one of those threatened, probably with death to his entire family and extended family. And it didnt stop there, i think most of those who turned had similar threats. I believe in the prophetic and i also believe in my heart and soul that this evil coup will not stand and those who orchestrated this will meet their doom shortly.

    This whole shitshow will be over shortly. Before or during passover. and the real President will be back.

  2. Sydney Powell was right. God honors Truth, God is Truth, and this coup will not stand. Why do you think NO GUNS have been fired? Why do you think theres been no organized resistance or no civil war? People have talked of it, and threatened it, but its not happened. Why? Because GOD is not allowing it. This is going to be worked out so that GOD gets all the glory. Just watch.

  3. Charlie, you don’t think God was behind the victories in the Civil War, WWI and WWII? Plenty of guns there. How do you reason with unreasonable people who are hellbent on enslaving you?

  4. God is not allowing a civil war at this time. NOW, not 80 yrs ago. If you were going to go for guns, it would already have happened. Its not happening now because God isnt allowing it.

    Pass over is coming. It will be over shortly

  5. I don’t know.
    Thermite is a mixture of Iron filings and Magnesium, if memory serves.
    It takes an oxy-acetylene torch to ignite.
    Seems like a lot of trouble to go to instead of a better effect with TNT, RDX, or C-4.
    But (I assume) Thermite is still available to RR workers, so it could be the work of some of Buffet’s Union buddies.

    You never know.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Charlie WalksonWater: On the other hand, God may be letting us suffer because “we” turned away from him . Israel was in captivity for 400 years. Then they wandered in the desert for 40 more. Christian Eastern Europe suffered under communism for 50 years. God is merciful but he is also just.

  7. God helps those who help themselves is nowhere in the Bible, I always thought that myself but it’s not about ourselves, it’s about helping others.🕊️❤️🙏

  8. Also. I think most peeps are aware the phrase “God helps those who help themselves” didn’t originate from the bible. Like many truisms it came to pass through historical observations.

  9. I worked with thermite.We welded massive 1″ copper ground wires in a switching yard at a power plant.That was in ’81.
    A striker like used to strike a torch off was all it took…

  10. It’s actually a first century AD Greek fable and can be also found in the Koran, but the person who actually wrote it was a 17th century English thinker Algernon Sidney. Found an interesting article about the saying by Dan Foster titled “The Bible Doesn’t Say That.”

  11. You’re right Brad! In fact the entire world, is praying we are able to maintain our republic. Those of us that are not a part of the NWO anyway. We are the last, best chance for free people, and those that desire to be free!

  12. “God helps those who help themselves.”

    My favorite and probably no in the Bible.
    Good things come to those who sit and wait, so long as he workith like hell while he waits.

  13. “Some people who know more about it than I do tell me it had to have been thermite to have triggered such a fireball such as happened in that car.””

    The result of thermite burning leaves an unmistakable trail of molten iron, not melted steel or aluminum, but iron. (there is also aluminum oxide left over but that wouldn’t be an indicator of thermite by itself since it could result just as easily from melted and burned car parts) If there was no solidified iron present in the reckage then there was no thermite used.

  14. When this was fresh there were lot’s of people that have been there done that weighed in. It was a sloppy hit with explosives. I also personally know some vets that are knowledgeable about assignations by boom. There was a consistent explosive mentioned. It wasn’t thermite, however I’m old and can’t remember what they named.

  15. @CharlieWalksOnWater — Amen and amen!

    What’s more (and I’ve been preaching this here for quite a while): Suit up in the armor of God and get yourself ready for anything. It’s going to be awesome!

    If you listen to radio preachers, they’re ALL on the same page regarding reformation and they sure don’t seem to be at odds anymore about gifts of the Holy Spirit.)

  16. Brad — I know you love me and would never dis me. I’m saying this is gonna be so much bigger than you, me or Dupre. Don’t ask me “what?”, because all I know is what I just wrote. Me and a lot of others are having the same sensation of giddy expectation and you won’t convince us otherwise. Have been anticipating this for a little more than a year — having nothing to do with elections, courts, or the price of tea in China.

    I wouldn’t be at all surprised that if we all got the same message to meet on a mountain top in Wyoming, that’s where we’d all wind up.

    Pray to Jesus Christ from your heart for him to reveal himself to you, Brad. He will, I promise you that.

  17. AA, are you sure it will happen in our natural lifetimes? I’m a believer, but I’m not sure everyone involved is on the same schedule. If we can speed things up I’m ready to do so.

  18. AA, I do love you. So does Michelle. She asks me once a week how you and Geoff are doing. But we totally disagree on how this battle need to be fought. Doubt me? Look at Portland and Seattle. Watch for an email.

  19. I have to admit many moments I feel just like Brad and that we are so screwed. I do think first our fate lies in God’s hands, but this country is going to have to turn back to God. On what we can do, I think our only answer is to work on/in the red states to tell the feds, including the corrupt SCOTUS to take a hike.

  20. Joe6 – Not sure at all. Only the Father knows his timing. But I’ll say this: Not since the Pilgrims escaped persecution, acted upon revelation, and came to America has there been anything like it in the body of Christ. Yes, that was 1620. How many years ago?

    God wants us to obey him and then he promises that all things will work together for good for those who are called and live according to his purpose. Once you understand what “him purpose” is, you’re home and dry. The problem — speaking from my own experience — is that it can take way too long to reach that understanding. That’s what takes too long, Joe.

  21. Old Racist White Woman

    Thank you. You just brought me a lot of clarity. Ultimately, I’m just pissed as hell and am not willing to give up our Republic. And unfortunately that’s not going to be prevented through prayer.

  22. I will look for that em, BB. I’ve had a very long, hard day and now I have to put together another promised estimate (two, actually), and what I really want to do is go to bed! All to say: I’ll probably not respond until tomorrow (if it comes — LOL!)

    🙂 Please give my love and hugs to Michelle (and keep a little for yourself, friend)

  23. AA, well, if it doesn’t happen in my natural lifetime I hope it does in my kids lifetime. If not them, then at the very least my grandkids lifetime. After that, I don’t know what to say. Except, stay safe.

  24. BB & Joe6 — Well, guys, I think what you may be missing is that God’s agency is through believers. So, that could look like anything. We don’t know what or when (sooner than later, is what the Holy Spirit is telling me), but it’s been 401 years since the Pilgrims fled persecution and came to America for the sole purpose of living in the freedom granted to them by God. Coincidence? Something tells me not so. Am I chasing rabbits down holes with the Pilgrims connection? I don’t think so. That fact only just dawned on me yesterday. In 2020 it was 400 years since Christians said “to hell with this!” and set out on a quest to live the free life God told them to live. I think we’re about to witness Pilgrims II — without leaving home. We’ll see. I’ve never been wrong about the important stuff.

  25. Hello.

    This world system is Satan’s, wholly owned and operated, yet it *will* pass from existence in God’s timing, not ours. Count on it.

    But before it does, things (morally) are going to get worse than we’ve imagined it could. Evil men and seducing liars will grow worse and worse, seeming to go from strength to strength, ever deeper in their wickedness, injustice, and hypocrisy, while the innocent are as prey for them to consume. That’s how it’s foretold it will go. It already is.

    The idea here is not to save the trainwreck – can’t be done – but to save people OUT of it while there’s time. Any other effort we might make is wasted on an ungodly and corrupt system that, no matter what we do, will continue to rot, then collapse,
    then burn.

    Understand that the thing that needs saved is you. The facts of 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 are for you. Read it and believe what you read before “thy soul is required of thee.”

  26. Who’s behind the curtain?Soros –> Obama —> minions in FBI, govt agencies, states?
    This stuff is a step or two above what the Clintons did.
    The Clintons are only interested in themselves.
    The people behind what’s going on now are interested in complete domination.


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