Sign Thief States His Motivation – IOTW Report

Sign Thief States His Motivation

This young idiot was stopped while stealing Trump signs from a front lawn.


Rather than detain the vandal and call the cops, he was asked a series of logical questions about his opposition to the candidate, recorded and posted to YouTube.


If you ever wondered who steals your campaign signs, here he is in all is libtard splendor.


I’m not sure any sense could be beaten into this arrogant numbskull.

13 Comments on Sign Thief States His Motivation

  1. There’s an entire generation of these mouthbreathing faggots on the planet right now. He looks and sounds exactly like a few of my nephews. What a fucking waste.

  2. No intrinsic value to this mountain of crap.

    In 2008 our political signs were repeatedly stolen including the rural fire levy signs. We wised up, coated the edge of the signs with vaseline, a generous amount of ground Thai hot peppers then sprayed the mess with ‘deer in estrus’ hunter’s spray.

    The jerks came back a 3rd time, stole the signs and were nailed by the cops after they called 911 for paramedic help. Their car trunk was full of stolen Republican signs a 4th degree felony for interfering in the election process. Better yet they were in possession of crack cocaine and stolen electronics. Both had outstanding armed robbery warrants and one was wanted for murder in Cleveland. Fine upstanding Obama sons and voters.
    Buh bye you brainless pieces of dog vomit.

    If you put out signs this year I highly recommend a trip to WalMart, TSC, etc for Buck Bomb, Haze, Tink.

  3. The person holding the camera didn’t bother asking the little libtard if he’s interested in making America Great Again. Surely he would have said no, or used Hillary’s line that America has never stopped being great. Fact of the matter, he has spent his entire life sucking off public education and his parents. If actual corporate success (and punishment) were bestowed upon him, that would be equivalent to beating sense into him. Full disclosure, my own personal experiences as a teenager was rage, frustration, anger, and a host of other emotions when I finally woke up to the fact my life is my own to support. I got over it pretty damn quick with a few jobs while left to my own devices to find food and shelter. The kid is speaking emotionally, not factually. He needs experience, preferably a plethora of grand failures.

  4. Eternal, exactly “The kid is speaking emotionally, not factually.” that is the way of the leftist movement, facts are stubborn things that must be avoided at all cost.

    “That erroneous assumption is to the effect that the aim of public education is to fill the young of the species with knowledge and awaken their intelligence,and so make them fit to discharge the duties of citizenship in an enlightened and independent manner. Nothing could be further from the truth. The aim of public education is not to spread enlightenment at all, it is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed and train a standardized citizenry, to put down dissent and originality. That is its aim in the United States, whatever the pretensions of politicians, pedagogues and other such mountebanks, and that is its aim everywhere else.” – H. L. Mencken

  5. I hate talking to the younger folks because they lack the logical thought processes that would make them realize the Democrats’ policies are outright damaging to their long term well-being.

  6. Then you have that other form of millenial…

    “I don’t know what you are talking about…”

    “It’s simple. 2+2 is 4. You can teach a smart dog this shit.”

    “Are you threatening me? Look, man, I don’t know the shit you know… I never done it before.”

    “Don’t look at me like that.”

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