Slaughterbots – IOTW Report


Another compelling Bad Brad video pick.
Slaughterbots is short movie about surgical precision air strikes- drones that use facial recognition to take out whoever your enemy happens to be. Show it a picture. Release it. And the person is dead. Untraceable.
I think this is a chilling cautionary tale. The future could be a terrible place. We all have a responsibility to understand that and do what we can to prevent the worst.

23 Comments on Slaughterbots

  1. Saw that on American Digest. Scary stuff, and well within the reach of technology within the very near future.

    Lock your doors. Wear a mask when you go outside.

    Be very afraid.

  2. There is a good book about the future called: The Diamond Age
    We are in the information age.
    The next age will be defined by our reaction to our technology that is autonomous

  3. I recently bought a DJI Mavic Pro, it’s pretty amazing how autonomous quad-copters are these days. Press a button and it’s up and hovering, perfectly level and on the spot. Press another button and it will follow you around. Another button will bring it back and land it almost exactly where it took off.

  4. Your face is already on file. Drivers license. passport. School picture. Security cameras. Red light cameras, toll booths, fast food, Bill Gates via face recognition gizmos already on the market, medical records, insurance files, smart phone, smart appliances…

    It’s too late baby

    Your finger prints were filed a long time ago.

    Had a baby in the hospital since Dubya administration? That baby’s DNA is on file. The DNA data base includes criminals, is searched by LE for family or individual hits.

  5. I’d be happy to provide them a hi-def picture of my ass. So they can kiss it.
    My fate has always been in God’s hands. And so does the fate of anyone choosing to deploy this weapon.

    Home of the Brave??? No longer.
    A military destined to become a daycare for whack-jobs whose commanders are no different than basement dwelling video game nerds. W.T.F.

    And our political leaders would never consider doing anything proper and just unless it fits their political calculations which insure their personal wealth.

  6. I am buying one of those ‘Judge’ pistols that shoots 410 shotgun.
    Gonna load sand in the shells for drone rounds.
    Of course I could go low tech and carry an old wooden tennis racquet

  7. In 2008 there was a Nanotech company that had built a Humming Bird drone. It looked and flew exactly like a Humming Bird. But it sounded like a helicopter. I’m sure they had it perfected within 8 months. This technology has been here for a while.

  8. Dangerous stuff. Laws or death penalties are not going to deter criminals, religious extremists, rabid political ideologues or hostile governments. Need to develop countermeasures now. Our military needs to stockpile a few million as a deterrent against foreign attack. Need to have a international ban on their use, not that it will work, but still needs to be done.

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