SNL goes after Ivanka – IOTW Report

SNL goes after Ivanka

MichellesBigBeaver sent this in, and I’m posting because it’s a good excuse for me to run a video I created with Admin Girl about 9 years ago.

ScarJo stars in this ridiculous send up of an Ivanka perfume ad.

In it they lay the blame of every ill they think Trump is imposing on the world at Ivanka’s feet. That would be like blaming Chelsea for her father’s rapes, and her mother’s tolerance for them in order to save her political career.

Here’s my Obama perfume ad. (That’s Admin Girl providing the voice over. I wrote the script and wrote and performed the music.)

17 Comments on SNL goes after Ivanka

  1. A wonderful walk down memory lane with Oil of Obama. Admin Girl had a beautiful voice and I am so glad that I now know you, BigFurHat, are such a talented, poignant piano player.

  2. Great soundtrack, Mister, or shall I say, Maestro BFH.
    A product of Julliard, and you’ve kept it on the down low all these years. Shame on you.

    Fans demand an answer: Is there a release date for your new CD?

  3. Two thumbs up. Never understood siskel and ebert. Between the two of them they only had two thumbs? Were they victims of industrial or farming accidents?
    Digitally challenged. Don’t speak ill of the dead. What. Ever.

    As for me, I give both thumbs to this effort by BFH.

  4. WGAS? When does Obamacare get repealed and my taxes get lowered? Or maybe the GOP need the WH, senate, house, Supreme Court and also the Galactic Council before they can do anything.

  5. ScarHo looks like a pig compared to Ivanka.

    What happened to Hollywood? I remember when actresses looked beautiful and actors looked manly. Nowadays, actresses look like skanks and actors look like pansies.

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