So where’s Sean Penn’s bonfire? – IOTW Report

So where’s Sean Penn’s bonfire?

American Thinker:
By Monica Showalter

So where’s Sean Penn’s promised Oscar melt?

The two-time Academy Award–winner had made big demands of the 94th annual Academy Awards ceremony and vowed big consequences if they didn’t deliver.  They ignored him, so now it’s time to get out the smelter.

According to the New York Post, Penn laid down his red line this way:

“I would encourage everyone involved to know, though it may be their moment, and I understand that, to celebrate their films, it is so much more their moment to shine and to protest and to boycott that Academy Awards,” the controversial actor said in an appearance on CNN Saturday afternoon.

The Washington Post added:

Penn, who took home best actor awards for the films “Mystic River” (2003) and “Milk” (2008), called on people to boycott the ceremony in protest if Zelensky is not on the program, saying: “I will smelt [my awards] in public.”

The New York Post continued:

“It is my understanding that a decision has been made not to do it” Penn said of having Zelensky speak.

“If the Academy has elected not to do it, if presenters have elected not to pursue the leadership in Ukraine, who are taking bullets and bombs for us, along with the Ukrainian children they are trying to protect, then I think every single one of those people and every bit of that decision will have been the most obscene moment in all of Hollywood history.”


No Zelensky.  Get that bonfire going, Sean. more

10 Comments on So where’s Sean Penn’s bonfire?

  1. If I don’t melt all my Oscars, sell all I have and go to Ukraine to for that great democracy it will have been the most obscene moment in all of Hollywood history.”


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