Social Media Comments Brutalize CA Gov. Newsom ‘Cleaning’ Homeless Encampment – IOTW Report

Social Media Comments Brutalize CA Gov. Newsom ‘Cleaning’ Homeless Encampment

California Governor Gavin Newsom is apparently desperate for some media attention as his fellow Californian Kamala Harris is hogging all of the spotlight at the moment.

As KTLA reported, Newsom filmed himself supposedly “cleaning up” homeless encampments at two sites in LA County, including one under the 5 Freeway in Mission Hills alongside Caltrans crews. more here

6 Comments on Social Media Comments Brutalize CA Gov. Newsom ‘Cleaning’ Homeless Encampment

  1. Cheaters, liars, double-dealing, four-flushing, power hungry, money grubbing, hornswaggling scumbags always sweep the cat shit under the rug to hide their incompetence!

  2. I’m glad to see the photos of Noisome grabbing that trash with simple gloves on. I’m sure there’s broken glass and used needles in there that will slice or poke right through. Any sane person not posing for a photo op with “curated” trash the way this asshole is doing it would be using a shovel.

  3. @Uncle Al, “curated trash”! 😆 I thought about the same; he looks as if he is posing, his hand poised to grasp the trash for the photo with no follow through of actually picking it up. No sweat, no dirt on his clothing, hair still perfect. What a phony.

  4. Someday it will take napalm to clean it up for good. Everything else is just for show.

    What will it take to re-open mental institutions. It’s cruel to deny the homeless the help they need to re-join society and cruel to the rest of society to foist the problem on us.

    The more homelessness is subsidized, the more homeless you get. It’s a way of life for them. Why work if you don’t have to.

    Maybe they’re gearing up a Soylent Green factory in Kali and need all the people you won’t know or care that are missing.

  5. And the stupid leftist voters think they will not be harmed by voting for these psychopaths. All living things are but targets. The psychopaths are just starting with the most useless.


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