Soros Backed District Attorney Has Been Found Guilty of Over a Hundred Counts – IOTW Report

Soros Backed District Attorney Has Been Found Guilty of Over a Hundred Counts

St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner has been accused of professional misconduct and ethical violations connected to her prosecution of former Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens.

The Missouri Bar Ethics Department has filed an official complaint against Gardner.

According to The Belt-Way Report,  “a court has already found that she committed 62 acts of misconduct and 79 cases of misrepresentation in convicting Greitens of crimes he did not commit. He was later cleared and the extremely popular Greitens is now running for the US Senate from Missouri.”

In April, Gardner admitted to the mistakes that were made in a “joint stipulation” related to her handling of the 2018 case.

The disciplinary panel reprimanded Gardner and fined her $750, which was a fairly small punishment compared to the potential of suspension, probation, or disbarment.

Gardner admitted that she withheld evidence from Greitens’ attorney due to the fast-moving nature of the case.

The Belt-Way Report added:

Gardner has been a disaster for St Louis. Last year there more murders in St Louis than at any time in the last 50 years. Gardner has refused to prosecute so many murderers that the Missouri legislature had to pass a law limiting the time she had to file murder charges to 90 days. After that, the state Attorney General takes over the case. more

18 Comments on Soros Backed District Attorney Has Been Found Guilty of Over a Hundred Counts

  1. We need to impose capital punishments for corruption and crimes of this nature – abuse of position, violation of oath, misprision.

    By neglecting capital punishment, we encourage crime under color of authority.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. You get to the Generals by piling their soldiers up like cordwood.
    (see: every war, ever)
    Since the 17th century, or so, Generals are rarely on the battlefield – they’re much more comfortable WAY behind the lines where the killing is – usually having taken over a villa or a palace as a “headquarters” – one, hopefully, well stocked with liquor and food.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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