Soros Paid $650K to Influence Bishops during U.S. Papal Visit – IOTW Report

Soros Paid $650K to Influence Bishops during U.S. Papal Visit

CFP: Billionaire and Illuminati affiliate George Soros paid $650,000.00 to influence the position of Catholic bishops during the pope’s U.S. visit last September, and with much success at that. (see story)

This same Soros also paid environmentalists and key U.N. abortion advocates to speak at the Vatican Climate Change Summit on April 28, 2015, and propose that the Catholic Church endorse the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals of depopulating the planet through abortion. Key Vatican personnel were also paid and advised to accept these overtures from the U.N.

14 Comments on Soros Paid $650K to Influence Bishops during U.S. Papal Visit

  1. What am I reading incorrectly? It looks like he paid money to the leftie not quite RC groups to influence the hierarchy. The Vatican peeps in charge of the conference let the groups speak at the conference. Something missing in the story?

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