Sorry Lady, Syrian Refugees DO HAVE TIES TO ISIS – IOTW Report

Sorry Lady, Syrian Refugees DO HAVE TIES TO ISIS

Not all Syrian refugees have ties to ISIS, but there’s enough.

How many Muslims carried out the worst atrocity on American soil? That’s right, 19.

So, stfu and sit down. You’re lucky you’re here. If you want to be around more Syrians, go to Syria, or Germany. We have no obligation to accept Muslim refugees.

Muslim woman, 56, kicked out of Donald Trump event and booed by audience after standing in silent protest when he suggests Syrian refugees are affiliated with ISIS

Reason: Hamid, who sat directly behind Trump, stood in silent protest when he suggested that Syrian refugees had ties to ISIS
  • Rose Hamid, 56, was kicked out of Donald Trump’s event in Rock Hill, South Carolina on Friday night
  • Hamid, who sat directly behind Trump, stood in silent protest when he suggested that Syrian refugees had ties to ISIS
  • The Muslim woman attended the event in a hijab and a shirt that read ‘Salam, I come in peace’
  • She had hoped to talk to people at the event and change their misconceptions about members of her faith
  • As she was removed from the venue she was booed and one individual yelled; ‘You have a bomb, you have a bomb’
  • Hamid, with is president of Muslim Women of the Carolinas, said she holds no ill will towards the audience, blaming Trump’s hate speech instead  


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13 Comments on Sorry Lady, Syrian Refugees DO HAVE TIES TO ISIS

  1. “…she holds no ill will towards the audience, blaming Trump’s hate speech…”

    Yeah yeah…until it’s the public’s “hate speech”, and then their killings are “justified”, right, b!tch?

    Take your demonic ideology and shove it.
    We have NO “misconceptions” about it.

  2. How ’bout a round of taqiyyah for everyone, on the house?

    Here’s a wonderful message from most of the people in the southeastern US to the moslems that come here claiming that they “come in peace” while trying to subvert our Constitutional Republic with their own morally bankrupt ideology.

    Get your sorry ass outta here while you still have one. We don’t want you here and we won’t tolerate you being here because we recognize and fully understand what you are and why you want to invade our fair land.

    We aren’t as stupid or morally bankrupt as the politicians that supposedly represent us in Washington, DC. We completely understand what islam is, and moslems should understand that truly patriotic American like us won’t go quietly into the night while heathen scum such as you try to inflict their evil will on us under the guise of a supposed “religion”.

  3. I suspect she was “covered up” ….smile…. when she came in… …and, also, she lied.

    Doesn’t she realize that it is rude to stand and block the views of
    people trying to watch an event? ….Lady in Red

  4. And we don’t hold your stupidity against you but blame the writings of your goat dicking, pedophile prophet and on his murderous and hateful writings called the Koran and on the incitement and hate filled speech of your Mullahs and other assorted retards!

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