Sounds like Bill Clinton wrote the official rules for the NFL – IOTW Report

Sounds like Bill Clinton wrote the official rules for the NFL

There has been a lot of speculation lately on just what the rules are for how the NFL and its players are suppose to treat the national anthem. It turns out that it is actually defined in the “2017 Official Playing Rules of the National Football League,” though  NFL spokesman, Brian McCarthy, claims that the policy applying to the national anthem ‘is not a rule.”

See how that works? If you violate policy its not really punishable unless it also violates an actual rule. Policy apparently can be ignored at the whims of the various teams and their owners, even if it is spelled out in the official rule book of the organization.


I’d like to see how many people could use this argument at their job. “You see it was technically a violation of policy, not of the actual rules. So you can’t fire me.”



16 Comments on Sounds like Bill Clinton wrote the official rules for the NFL

  1. There’s a simple solution to this issue and all one needs to do is ask yourself one question…’#WWVLD’…’What would Vince Lombardi do?’….or George Halas, or Bud Grant and many others. Gonna be some wind sprints and crab walking’ for all…LOL

  2. Just to show you how insanely these people think i.e. they can rationalize any wrong position, take a look at the below that was written by man-hating lesbian in response to an email that one of my many conservative friends sent to a distribution list.

    These people are completely off the rails and a risk to any progress that we intend to make under Trump. It’s all about Hillary losing, de-legitimizing our POTUS. Read and watch your blood pressure:

    “Time for people to put their money where their mouth is! How many of the flag worshippers REALLY give a damn about our veterans AND support organizations who assist our veterans???? I’ve researched all their organizations and found that at least 97% of the donations go to the veterans!!!! Again, people need to get real and act with kindness, not hot air BS!!

    About the flag and anthem:
    First off know the facts, the “kneeling ” is NOT about disrespect of the flag or the military, it is about making people aware of the injustices of racism and bigotry that STILL exist IF your NOT white, and oh boy look at the backlash the “kneeling” is getting, but sadly white America is STILL missing the point!!

    The NFL and all sports has people of all skin colors and from various cultures, AND they work and play as a unit, society does not do that real good. The players and the NFL also put millions of dollars back into our communities and give themselves to our communities!!

    IF society TRULY understood and PRACTICED the values, plus understanding the sacrifices and service given by the men an women of the military, that the flag represent, that would be honoring the flag in the purest form!!

    People are so wrapped up in honoring OBJECTS it is disgusting! The flag in reality is an inanimate piece of cloth, yep let’s honor that object, all the while dishonor PEOPLE who disagree with us!!!

    The brainwashing of simple minded people with the “god/male” dogma is far worse than kneeling before the flag! Religious dogma is the cause of far more horrendous tragedies than kneeling during the National Anthem!!

    How many sports viewers are standing in front of their TV during the National Anthem??? Do you have a right to do that AND condemn those at the sporting event who are not standing?? We are a society of hypocrites!!

    BTW don’t you think the military in the field of battle “kneeled” in respect to their fallen comrades whenever the battle gave them time to do so????? I bet they did.
    Handicap people probably don’t do much kneeling during the Anthem, therefore we might be better humans IF we opened our minds to the fact that sometimes, IF no one is harmed, rules can be broken!!!

    I do not agree with anyone who burns our flag, or trashes it in any way!! Kneeling before the flag might be a better way of showing our respect to those who served and died for our freedom!!”

    Just another case of angry butch bitchism…

  3. Just last week (9/20/17) wrote that “The NFL’s TV ratings are down so far this season [11% – 19% in some markets] and if that news isn’t distressing enough for the biggest ratings driver on TV, the latest slump follows a 2016 season marked by unstable ratings that had pundits and analysts scratching their heads.”

    So today, after Trump pointed out the ratings, the same exact website contradicts itself and claims that “Trump says NFL ratings are ‘way down.’ That’s not completely true.”

    Apparently 11-19% is not considered “way down” by CNN who also has declining viewership. In fact, “way down” viewership.

    Keep lying to yourselves, fools.

  4. Old European saying: “It’s not shit, the cat did it.”

    The NFL absolutely KNOWS how we rayciss clinger cracker fans feel about disrespecting the flag/anthem and they don’t GAS.
    So they can practice all their rationalizing speeches in front of the mirror for the rest of time and it won’t mean squat. Sports watching is a totally OPTIONAL activity–they just can’t get their pea brains around that.

  5. Liberalism 101

    “If there isn’t something written down that specifically says I can’t do that thing, then I can.”

    They do this with the Constitution every day of their lives. The volumes needed to be printed to make sure the human mind doesn’t devise a way to act immoral in every possible situation would fill the Library of Congress.

    It’s a child’s way of saying, “Well, you didn’t tell me I COULDN’T do that, so I thought it was Ok.”

  6. So, the management of the NFL, decided not to discipline players for taking a knee, out of fear that other players would (in effect) strike, and there wouldn’t be any games. Now, the fans are going to strike (way more fans than players, BTW), and there may be games, but there won’t be any money.
    Something about the nose off your face comes to mind…

  7. So, it says SHOULD, not MUST/SHALL.
    So what?

    For flag and country (as it correctly identifies),
    do it or risk management take disciplinary action!
    Oh, wait.

    Death to the NFL.
    Rot in H*ll!

    (sounds like a nice chant;
    cute, if the Right was into that sort of silly stuff…)

    p.s. What really got me (and I’m not even close to what you’d call a football – or any sort of sports – fan…unless you call drinking a sport) was the PITTSBURGH STEELERS’ owner say* that, by not going onto the field, they didn’t *intend* to show any disrespect…. Fine! I hope Pittsburghers show the same degree of NO DISRESPECT by NOT SHOWING UP AT THEIR GAMES!!!

    * BS Money Quote: “The intentions of Steelers players were to stay out of the business of making political statements by not taking the field. Unfortunately, that was interpreted as a boycott of the anthem – which was never our players’ intention.”

  8. Straight from the 2017 Official Playing Rules of the NFL:
    “ARTICLE 9. GENERAL APPEARANCE. Consistent with the equipment and uniform rules, players must otherwise present a professional and appropriate appearance while before the public on game-day.”

    Honoring cop killers and demanding justice for criminals caught in the act of committing felonies I would say constitutes an unprofessional and inappropriate appearance.

    So by kneeling they are loudly and proudly proclaiming that they support criminals.

  9. They support criminals because they ARE criminals. Why do you think members of the “community” hate the police in the inner cities? Because the police are there to stop crime. It’s really very, very simple. Criminals do not want their crimes stopped.

  10. TO Menotu
    Their “out” is that they claim it’s protesting police “brutality.”

    That’s why I suggest confronting them with the demand that they,
    being professional football players, initiate a “tackle a cop in public” movement.

    THAT would at least get them the “response” they deserve….

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