South Africa Rules 300,000 Gun-Owners Turn Over Their Weapons – IOTW Report

South Africa Rules 300,000 Gun-Owners Turn Over Their Weapons

Gee. What does the government have in mind?

And the left says that turning over guns could never lead to government tyranny. uh huh.


The socialist-leaning African National Congress (ANC) and the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) parties are leading the charge for expropriation under the banner of fixing racial disparities that have supposedly remained intact since Apartheid’s conclusion.

While land confiscation has not been officially finalized, South Africans should worry about the direction their country is going.

And how does gun control fit into this equation?

Gun Control: A Tool for Tyranny

No matter how socialist apologists rationalize it, the redistributionist agenda the South African government is pursuing will not be implemented passively. Ultimately, it must be carried out by force.

The kind of force socialists seek is a monopolized kind, which extreme forms of gun control like gun confiscation help facilitate.

The history of gun confiscation is one of repeated cases of tyranny.


ht/ tsunami

20 Comments on South Africa Rules 300,000 Gun-Owners Turn Over Their Weapons

  1. There is always only one reason a gov’t wants to disarm the governed.

    The Left in our country only exists by dint of their dishonesty. The conservatives’ mistake is in thinking the Left has any legitimacy at all. We cannot make common cause with a faction of people who want to destroy us.

  2. Rwanda Genocide 2.
    Same story, different country, different tribal names, same continent . With the goal of the same result.

    Charl van Wyk’s book, “Shooting Back – the right & duty of self-defense”, comes to mind.

  3. Zero reporting will come of this because (a) blacks will be “taking back land from colonizing whites,” which is always in fashion with the Left, BUT (b) it will prove the conservative point of what happens when governments disarm a select group of citizens. So the media would probably like to cover it because of (a)…except for the mass murder and chaos that will result. No way to spin that so they’ll likely leave it alone.

    The only way most Americans learn of this will be if Trump tweets about it when the shooting starts, forcing the media to acknowledge it’s happening.

    Then again, Clinton did nothing during Rwanda because the Left didn’t care…but now the Left might be perverse and desperate enough to demand Trump involve the U.S. military, just hoping it somehow blows up in his face. Probably not but I wouldn’t put it past them.

    Of course all of the above assumes a majority of gun owners actually comply and turn them in. That remains to be seen. But there’ll be a bloodbath either way.

  4. Obama was there giving speeches and a little political advice as well. “Get the guns from the whites and then butcher them”.
    It’s likely why he went there was to stir up more trouble.

  5. Sadly it is past time to apply some
    “Henry The V”.
    “But when the blast of war blows
    in our ears, Then imitate the
    action of the tiger:
    Stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood, Disguise fair nature with hard-favored rage….”
    They are out of other options.

  6. South Africa surrendered their country to Joe Slovo and his negro puppet at the insistence of Inter-National Socialism and its lapdog the “Press.”

    My guess is that the dumbass honkies will bend over, hoping for the best, or sneak out the back door for Australia and New Zealand. If they want to live they need armor, artillery, fire, and maneuver – small arms make the oppressors’ lives difficult, but without organization they can expect the same fate as Warsaw (in 1939 AND in 1944) and Zimbabwe.

    Racism is rampant around the World – here cops can be killed with (relative) impunity for the crime of being white. Negro riots occur without justice (see Ferguson and Baltimore) and negro “flash mobs” can loot and destroy malls and shopping centers, also with impunity. Moslems (considered a “race” in Europe) can rape, murder, and maim with impunity. Illegal-alien invaders (considered a “race” here) are given a free judicial pass and taxpayer support.

    We should criticize the South Africans with a sort of squint at ourselves (yeah, me too).

    Oh, well, maybe Hegel was right (or was that Spengler? I always confuse those krauts).

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. I still say we need an exchange program. For every white african then send us, we’ll send them 100 african immigrants and any black person who prefers to be called “African-American” instead of just American! You can’t beat the exchange rate there.

  8. This is an, obviously, inappropriate question in South Africa, but “And then?” Not after they are pacified. Everybody knows what follows on from that. But, rather, if they refuse to go quietly, into that good oven. The Afrikaner, like all Men of The West, knows it is his right to have others pick his cotton. After the best and brightest Afrikaners looted everything that wasn’t welded up, before handing the keys over to the cotton pickers, what were their loyal patriots to do? Pick their own cotton? Were someone to send printable death laser drone plans over teh interwbz to the Afrikaners left behind, to secure “their” farms — even if the drones work, just like in the movies — and then? These aren’t self-sufficient Amish. Without someone to do their work, so they can sell their product, they starve. Just as surely as those who will “work” those farms, after those Afrikaners are gone. Other than “All the Afrikaners are ‘gone’.” (with “gone” being definable in a number of ways), what is the stable (i.e. sustainable) end?


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