Special Counsel John Durham continues his focus on the Hillary Clinton Campaign – IOTW Report

Special Counsel John Durham continues his focus on the Hillary Clinton Campaign

And: John Podesta has been interviewed.


Special Counsel John Durham has asked high ranking officials from the Clinton Campaign and Hillary for America, including the Clinton Campaign’s Chair (who we believe to be John Podesta1), about their awareness of the activities conducted by Fusion GPS on Hillary’s behalf.

This confirms an important avenue of Durham’s investigation: whether the Hillary Campaign or Hillary for America were part of a conspiracy to traffic false information to the FBI and other governmental entities.

While we reported on this development back in December, Durham’s latest filing (available here) provides context to his statement that Hillary for America, the Hillary Clinton Campaign, and former employees of that campaign were involved “in matters before the Special Counsel.”

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8 Comments on Special Counsel John Durham continues his focus on the Hillary Clinton Campaign

  1. If you drag justice out indefinitely, what difference does it make? Only criminals seem to function well in oBarki’s transformed Amerikka!

  2. “Justice delayed is Justice denied.”
    (dead white dude)

    Every (true) American is hoping she’ll die – none more than Durham.

    I don’t believe that, even in the present state of “law,” that they’d prosecute a corpse … but I could be wrong …

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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