Spotlight on JOSHUA KOPSTEIN – Whiny Writer With A Sneaky Agenda – IOTW Report

Spotlight on JOSHUA KOPSTEIN – Whiny Writer With A Sneaky Agenda

Nutshelled – whiny writer, Joshua Kopstein, imgresis upset that he has to register his whiny drone while people get to possess “killing machines” without doing the same.

“Why do I have to go to bed without dessert for getting a D in math when Jeffrey got a D in gym and he got a brownie?”

Hey Josh, slapping the brownie out of Jeffrey’s mouth is not your mission. Your mission is to get a brownie.

You sound like someone less interested in having the right to possess an unregistered drone than someone interested in getting “killing machines” registered.

Here’s the last line of your assholish essay

many more people would probably be cool with registering their consumer flying machines if we could knock that gun thing out of the park first.

See what I mean?

No need to fisk the rest, you’ve made it clear what your agenda is.

Having said that, I can offer one explanation for why drones would require registration while guns wouldn’t.

It’s pretty hard to fly a gun to an arena miles away and anonymously drop biological matter into the crowd, potentially killing thousands.

Because the potential for this perfect crime exists the government would like to try and take the anonymous part out of the equation. It won’t stop the bad guys from doing it anyway, but that’s why you should start your own “evil” organization to combat government overreach – the NDA (The National Drone Association.)


16 Comments on Spotlight on JOSHUA KOPSTEIN – Whiny Writer With A Sneaky Agenda

  1. I’ve been sailing the RC skies on and off since 1986. I’ve built, flown, crashed countless planes over the years. The technology to airlift hazardous material and drop into a crowd has existed as far as I know since before 1986. One of the first airshows I witnessed was an RC 1/3 scale J-3 Piper Cub flown by a man that dropped an RC paratrooper that was flown by his wife.

    As a club we register with American Model Association that gives members $1 million in insurance incase of a (legal) mishap. RC plane enthusiasts have always had problems with silly laws trying to pass that would squash the hobby, from noise to altitude to size to people who simply don’t understand the deal. In all my years the worst accident was a plane that lost control and slammed into the trunk of a Volvo in the parking lot.

    In order to have any insurance, the planes need to be flown at an AMA sanctioned field (hence registration with the club) and each member gets an AMA number. Part of the insurance also requires your AMA number and name be in or on the aircraft. You also have to sign off saying you have read and fully understand the laws and potential hazards with the hobby.

    Registration has already been taking place for DECADES.

    Unfortunately these ready-to-fly deals have opened up the hobby to people who don’t realize the potential seriousness of flying these aircraft regardless of the added biological / mass terrorist threat. Hence registration with the government because private entities like AMA have essentially lost their importance because people are ignorant to their actions.

    Never before did I think my near-lifetime hobby would be used as a wedge in an attempt to disarm.

  2. There are a few simple steps you need to get done first, Josh. Here, I’ll spell them out for you.

    Article V (Mode of Amendment)

    The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as Part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States, or by Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the Congress…

    Then, you’ll need to get the central govt gang or your state govt gang to pass the laws you want, assuming enough of them are still alive.

    Note that I said “simple” and not “easy”.

  3. Thank you for all that information. If you could clear up a little confusion for me, I’d appreciate it.

    Could you expand on flying an RC paratrooper? I envisioned a little GIJoe-type figure with a parachute dropping out of the plane, but have no idea what would be flown.

  4. It was a 3-channel 1/3 scale person named Charlie. A hook controlled by the pilot of the Cub would release it at a specified time, it was crudely attached to the bottom fuselage at center gravity. It would free fall until a person (the pilot’s wife) on the second remote would hit a switch to release the parachute. Then the two sticks on the remote worked to raise and lower the arms independently on Charlie that would adjust the length of either side of the parachute – Just like in real life – until a safe touchdown on the field.

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