Squirrel Takes Out Hater Alderman – IOTW Report

Squirrel Takes Out Hater Alderman

Chicago Alderman, Howard Brookins, Jr. claims it was an aggressive urban squirrel that got caught up in the spokes of his bike wheel and sent him sprawling on the pavement.  Brookins, a noted hater of the trash raiding rodents, was hospitalized with a fractured skull.


14 Comments on Squirrel Takes Out Hater Alderman

  1. I call bullshit on the ‘Squirrel getting wrapped up in the spokes’
    Even if the squirrel was caught at the front fork and a spoke, a squirrel does not have the mass to block the wheel from turning.
    The old fart has a squirrel phobia and hit the front brake and went over the bars, and is blaming a squirrel for his over-reaction

  2. Seriously, I left my car’s windows down for a day or two after work. Air conditioning having failed during the summer… The little bastard, after having eaten a hole through our garbage tote, then decided that he would live in the front passenger seat!

    My husband ended that rather quickly…

  3. @Poor Lazlo – I think you are correct about insufficient mass.
    @eternal cracker p – You are obviously correct that the squirrel ended up wrapped in the spokes.

    But it isn’t at all clear that said squirrel provided enough resistance to lock up either the rotation or steering. In fact, I don’t think it did. I am a bicycle rider (not one of the militant assholes, though) and have never had a bad spill but have come close a few times. I know what kind of force is needed to bring down bike and rider if the rider is trying to stay upright and moving.

    So the nasty, dirty little rodent caused the accident himself and is blaming it on the squirrel.

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