State Department Dumps Anti-Cop Spokeshole – IOTW Report

State Department Dumps Anti-Cop Spokeshole


The State Department deputy spokeswoman who called police the “largest threat to U.S. national security” is leaving her job after a 16-month stint that was marred by public gaffes and internal battles with her colleagues.

Jalina Porter will “transition out” of her job as the State Department’s number-two public face, spokesman Ned Price announced in a press release late Monday. It is unclear if Porter, who has a history of anti-cop rhetoric and reportedly clashed with career State Department officials, is shifting elsewhere in the Biden administration or exiting.

Porter entered the role under a cloud of controversy after the Washington Free Beacon unearthed a series of social media posts in which she claimed the “largest threat to U.S. national security are U.S. cops; Not ISIS, not Russian hackers, not anyone or anything else.” In other posts obtained by the Free Beacon, Porter said, “I’m so tired of terrorist cops” and promoted a video directed at the Los Angeles Police Department that states, “Suck my dick and choke on it.”

While Porter apologized for her remarks, which were made before she entered public office, it came to light that she clashed with career State Department officials who viewed her as unprepared for press briefings and prone to make policy gaffes that caused diplomatic headaches. State Department and diplomatic insiders who spoke to the Free Beacon said it is strange for the department to announce the departure of a top official without stating what her next role will be.

“Jalina was never a good fit and was in over her head from the beginning,” one State Department source, who requested anonymity to discuss personnel matters, told the Free Beacon. “On that, I blame the woke crowd that made the hiring decision without regard to actual qualifications or experience.” more

9 Comments on State Department Dumps Anti-Cop Spokeshole

  1. Big Momma
    JUNE 3, 2022 AT 10:56 AM
    “I bet she made a very good salary for those 16 months while she proved to be incompetent in her job.”

    …not to mention an incredible pension, free top shelf health care for life, and her pick of extremely high dollar jobs as a lobbyists or just being a racially divisive asshole at pretty much her pick of major corporations despite the fact she will do nothing but destroy their stock value and alienate their customers…

  2. “On that, I blame the woke crowd that made the hiring decision without regard to actual qualifications or experience.” No shit Sherlock. So are you admitting that most, if not all hiring is done with “diversity” in mind and not competence?


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