States Back Out of Google and Apple’s Contact Tracing App Plans – IOTW Report

States Back Out of Google and Apple’s Contact Tracing App Plans

Breitbart: Multiple States across the country are reportedly walking back promises to use contact tracing systems developed by Silicon Valley tech firms such as Google and Apple.

NBC News reports that this week New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy outlined his plans to trace the spread of the coronavirus by hiring 1,600 contact tracers to call people who may have been exposed to the coronavirus. Murphy did not plan to use any form of smartphone app to help with contact tracing, stating when asked: “The state of New Jersey is neither pursuing nor promoting exposure notification or digital alerting technology, at least at this time.”

Multiple states that had committed to using contract tracing apps or expressed interest in them are now rolling back their statements. California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) initially vocally supported the use of contact tracing apps, stating that he wanted to “build that capacity and partnership” with Apple and Google after they announced their contact tracing system. Two months later, no contact tracing apps or cellphone tracking technology are being used in California according to a spokesperson for California’s Public Health Department. more

9 Comments on States Back Out of Google and Apple’s Contact Tracing App Plans

  1. Good, we don’t need anymore Big Brother crap, have enough of that as it is.

    Today Fitbit wanted me to add this tracing garbage, and I told them to pound sand.

  2. Because it’s not about data collection. It’s about political cronyism, patronage and power consolidation. No need to show Google and Apple how this sausage is made.


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