Stealing wealth won’t make one poor person less poor – IOTW Report

Stealing wealth won’t make one poor person less poor

Patriot Retort: Given Elizabeth “The Scold” Warren’s call to tax the “Ultra Millionaires” (see my previous post), I thought I should give this Motivational Matt Foley image a bit of an update.

To normal, thinking human beings, this notion that wealthy are evil for the simple fact that they have more money than you is repugnant.

I’ll be honest. I’m poor as a church mouse. In fact, most of you guys reading this have more money than I do.

But the Federal Government taxing you into oblivion won’t make me any less poor.

I’m not poor because some dude who owns the Redskins is an “Ultra Millionaire.”

And the fact is, the Federal Government stealing his wealth won’t make me or anyone else one dollar richer.

That’s nothing but fiction.

When the government taxes wealth, the wealthy simply find a way to avoid paying taxes.  more here

22 Comments on Stealing wealth won’t make one poor person less poor

  1. There is a difference between taxing income and taxing wealth (net worth left after already taxed income).

    One is obviously allowed under our amended Constitution, but I don’t see how the other is. At least on the part of the Federal government which I don’t see as having authority for a property (wealth) tax written into the Constitution.

    States are a different story. Their individual Constitutions can give them various powers and authorities the Federal government doesn’t have within their own jurisdictions.

  2. Stupid little cretins. As if every fucking dollar I make isn’t taxed, taxed again, then retaxed.
    What motivation are you giving me to succeed when you’re going to steal every $7.00 out of $10.00 I EARN?
    Plus, it’s easy come, easy go when it’s not earned by YOUR OWN sweat and blood.

  3. “Stealing wealth won’t make one poor person less poor”

    …the corollary to that is that you can’t fix poverty by giving money to people.

    This is because human nature will make them expect you to ALWAYS give them money, and they also won’t respect the things they have because THEY didn’t earn them.

    Not a new thought. You may have heard it as:

    “Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.”

    …but it’s NOT about the poor. AT ALL. It’s about empowering Government to steal, keep some for itself, and use the rest to buy votes to perpetuate itself. THEY get to pick winners and losers based on politics, while YOU get to “donate” or go to jail.

    …for THAT purpose, it works VERY well. It’s the only reason there still IS a Democrat Party…

  4. “But government programs will benefit everyone!” Uh, no. We’ve already seen how liberal tax and spend plans are geared to take money from people they don’t like (conservatives, mostly) and give it to people they do like (labor unions, “green” industries, etc.) like with the big “stimulus” bills, ObamaCare, etc.

  5. *sigh*
    It’s not about taking money from the rich dude and giving it to the poor dude (Robbing Hood).
    It’s more about “What’s mine is mine and what’s yours is mine” – the more factual side of socialism – the public declaration that EVERYTHING belongs to them – your income, your wealth, your Freedom, your Liberty, your thoughts, your attitudes, your beliefs, and, ultimately, your life (or your soul – which is why they are pushing a perverse, Satanic, anti-God agenda).

    Everything they do is immoral. Everything they suggest is immoral.
    Why America tolerates anti-Americans in the House, the Senate, and the Judiciary is the mystery.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. @Supernightshade:
    “Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.”

    I heard it as:
    Build a man a fire and keep him warm for a day. Light a man on fire and keep him warm for the rest of his life.

  7. Logic says that wealth comes from work, so greater wealth comes from more work/higher-quality work. Period. Tax something and you see a reduction in work, and thus wealth; lower taxes and you see an increase in work, and thus wealth.
    That really is all there is to it. So if you reward people (or even farmers) for not working then less work will be done, less wealth created, and everyone will be worse off.

  8. A civil war is down the road. If the Commies win, then Going Galt is the only option. You cannot keep feeding the Communist beast, as it devours everything.

    NEVER GIVE UP YOUR GUNS — HIDE THEM IFYOU MUST. These Commies will never stop until we are all dead, and they are masters of a decayed world.

  9. The greatest good for the greatest number in the history of the human race is Capitalism – which is based on economic and political freedom. Those freedoms are NOT separable.

    We are destroying ourselves from within.

  10. In the Western world, being poor has nothing to do with lack of money. It has everything to do with lack of good judgment, good ethics, and a sense of personal responsibility.

    Robbing rich Peter to pay poor Paul only ends up impoverishing Peter.

  11. There was an American expression from the Great Depression 30’s that poor people would utter:

    “I may be poor, but I’m not immoral.”

    I don’t hear that any more.

  12. …I know of a guy who once won a $4mil lottery, immediately bought the fastest car he could, wrecked it and lost his leg, got miserable and started fighting with his backdoor neighbor, and apparently spent most of it on medical bills and legal fees from suing and being sued by his neighbor. One time we picked him up in the ambulance and the police confiscated his leg because he had taken it off and used it to beat his neghbor with, who went to the hospital in a separate ambulance. Our dumbass squad captain sent them both to the same hospital, though, and the guy with both legs used them to go to the bay where the one-legged guy was, and they resumed the fighting there while we were still writing the report. We had to sit on the one-legged guy and take down the two-legged one and sit on HIM, too, till the security guy finished his trip to the bathroom, apparently, and local LEOs showed up.

    …the point is, you are who you are. Money won’t change it.


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