The jokes write themselves-
Park Jurassic Right Here
Catch Me in the Can
Whore of the Worlds
Steven Spielberg’s daughter Mikaela is a porn star and aspiring erotic dancer – and says her dad supports her career
STEVEN Spielberg’s daughter Mikaela has launched a new career as an adult entertainer, The Sun can reveal.
In an exclusive interview Mikaela Spielberg, 23, who was adopted as a baby by the legendary film director and his wife Kate Capshaw, told how she has already started self producing solo porn videos – and says she would love to land a job as a dancer in a strip club once she obtains her sex worker license.
Mikaela, who speaks to her parents regularly, broke the news to them via FaceTime at the weekend and said they were “intrigued” but “not upset”.
Describing herself as a “sexual creature” she told The Sun: “I got really tired of not being able to capitalize on my body and frankly, I got really tired of being told to hate my body.
Who, exactly, told her to hate her body???? -bfh

“And I also just got tired of working day to day in a way that wasn’t satisfying my soul.
“I feel like doing this kind of work, I’m able to ‘satisfy’ other people, but that feels good because it’s not in a way that makes me feel violated.”

Mikaela first revealed her new career on social media earlier this month.
ht/ marco
The Post. She’ll be on it.
Spielberg’s List.
Shaving Ryan’s Privates.
First Men.
E T Extra T!tties
Close encounters
The Color Nurple
Men in Back
Minority Contort
Spielberg had too many irons in the fire to watch over his daughter 24/7. Happens to the best of them/us.
Raiders of the lost Snacth
PS. if your parents are okay with this, they don’t love you.
The black hole
Shitters List
Lock Jaws
War Whore
Empire of the Bum
The Adventures of TitTit
Whores of the Worlds
Who banged Roger Rabbit
Fags of our Fathers
Poor choice for the Girl. She will regret it and certainly her parents are upset. So much more she could have done with all the resources at her disposal.
She feels she is a “sexual creature” because that is what she has been living with since she was a little kid. She has likely been abused for years.
There are some ugly stories involving Spielberg, this makes them more believable.
the color of blue waffle
12 years a sex slave
What she really said: Daddy, I got a job working in the Los Angeles sewer. Speilberg changed the wording in an attempt to make it sound glamorous.
Bridge of Thighs
ET might stand for Erotic Teaser after this bit of disgraceful nonsense.
Sisterhood of the traveling tramps.
Twilight Bone
Black men in
I don’t think she’s gonna make much money in porn. Woof.
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Poon
Turner and Cootch
@ MJA “The temple of poon” 😂😂😂
MInority Cavort
Empire of the fun
giggles at Mohammed’s pink swastika.
Snatch me if you can
War Whorse
The adventures of tit tit
“…And I also just got tired of working day to day in a way that wasn’t satisfying my soul.
“I feel like doing this kind of work, I’m able to ‘satisfy’ other people, but that feels good because it’s not in a way that makes me feel violated…”
Uh huh, sure. Keep telling yourself that if you want, but the sad thing is that you will feel violated and you WON’T feel satisfied. You just want the short term satisfaction of having sex with multiple partners, AND getting paid for it.
It’s colored purple
Schindler’s Mist
Mikaela, you know you’re not supposed to comb or brush curly hair.
I don’t know about anyone else, but her looks don’t do a damn thing for me. I would think they might have to shoot fast before the supporting actor goes limp on her.
War of the Whores
The Sugardaddy Express
Her “home life” probably mirrors McKenzie Philips
Nice to see somebody in the family works.
@Bad Brad – I second that – woof woof!
I think I saw her in “Raiders of the Lost Virginity”
She’s lying to herself. Makes me sad.
I see rehab in her future.
Star Whores
The Chronicles of Hornia
50 Shades of No-way
Shagging the Dog
Snatch (no change)
Big Fish Smell
Pubic Enemy
Back Door To The Future
Well, she certainly didn’t get the job based on looks.
I guess when you can’t do anything else, you whore….
Pulp Friction
Roundhog Day
Full Metal Bucket
Stench of a Woman
“The Sugarland Express” (no need to change the title)
Ooooh that smell
Can’t you smell that smell
And so soon after finally admitting she was his!
“I was kidding, I really don’t know her”.
“One Spooed Upon The Loose Jew’s Breast”
I’m with LadyGun12. This is a very sad story. Poor girl has emotional issues and she’s got no one in her family, let alone her A-hole fiancé helping her.
I’m only here to read the comments. : )
Complete failure as parents is what led to this.
No way do they support her in this awful decision- which is why she told them over face time.
They HAD to say yes or it was goodbye daughter.
Poor girl needs Jesus.
In Diana Jones
Liberal Blowback.
“Honey, we’re so rich and so liberal, why don’t we adopt a couple of black kids to impress our friends? It’s proof that we are so generous and so unbelievably liberal, and it will make everyone else in Hollywood feel like they aren’t as liberal and generous as we are. What could possibly go wrong? Maybe they will become famous film stars.”
Pussy Galore
Pretty Pink In
Around The World in 80 Minutes
Midnight Cowgirl Style
A.T. Anal Terrestrial
Hand Solo
Close Encounters of the Behind
Savoring Ryan’s Privates
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Buttlplug
Thighs Wide Shut
16 Candles (with Gwyneth Paltrow and Ron Jeremy)
Dirty Hairy
Dr Stenchlove, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bum
Black Cock Down
Schindler’s Fist
E.T….The Extra Testicle
The Poonies
Who Rammed Roger Rabbit
Wait, Tennessee has a sex license?
“My clothes…I give Them to You”
I spit some Beer on “Poonies”
War Whores
This is old school IOTW!!!
I’m off to XHamster to check this out.
The Longest Dago
How Pink Was My Vagie
Another soul lost…..
That is so sad. Imagine how unloved this girl must feel to need to get attention in this way. Either that, or she was abused, and is following the classic path of a victim.
I’d make a joke, but it’s too sad to be funny.
Classic liberal parenting blowing up. And this asshole tells the rest of us how to live?
Mrs. Surefire
The Twilight of the Erogenous Zone
The Empire Sucks Crack
All That Snatch
One flew over the Coochies Nest
Dirty Dozen at one time
Return of the Jedi Starfu*kers
The Good, the Bad, and the 3 day old dead shrimp smell
Only the Lonely bang their daddies
Miss Marple teaches us how to make rashberry condoms
Genital warts freshness spray for all ages
Patents for 23 varieties of festering clamydia std’s will make her millions
May the burning sensation be with you.
Who’s Afraid Of Virginia’s Muff?
What’s New Pussy?
Take The Money And Cum
Everyone Says I Fuck You
OK.. Just call in the Stunt Cock and get it over with!
Just one question, will ILM (Industrial Light and Magic) be doing her “Special Effects”? 🙂
Spielberg clearly is a neglective “father”. How heartless and evil to throw your obviously abused and mentally disturbed daughter to the wolves.
Also, this girl’s birth parents probably were crackheads and that spiritual and behavioral legacy follows children.
Yes, praying for Mikaela. Only God can pull this girl out of her self destruction – changing her life from, “Memoirs of a Gutter ‘Ho” to “Close Encounters of the God Kind”.
Sorry if I repeat anything – kinda late.
Close Encounters Of The Turd Kind.
Geriatric Pork – with Michael Moore.
Poultry Goosed – with Big Bird & Foghorn Leghorn.
Indiana Chones & The Last Crew Shaved.
Ami Stud
A. I. Arty Fishy Intelligence.
Seven Rides for Seven Brothers
Minority Rapport
Memories Of A Gusher
Fags Of Our Fathers
Will He Boink Her in the Chocolate Factory
Twerking on Mr. Goodbar
Pair o’ Legs View
In that top picture, why is she wearing a butt on her chest?
Holes – a bunch of juveniles (played by James Dean and Mick Blue) at a detention camp dig and dig and dig in search for that lost treasure chest of gold
Taint Misbehavin’
A Rebel Without Her Clothes
@Uncle Al – all good ones.
How bout’ Clitoputa?
Or ‘Not Saving Private Mikaela’s Parts’?
@Chalupa….no repeats as usual….you are in your own zone that mere mortals cannot touch….utmost respect!!!
Back to the FUPA
Why would ANYONE who’s father is a millionaire, have to be a porn ho? And why would ANY father be proud of that? Spielberg is throwing this sick woman to the dogs, she needs HELP and a REAL father.
A lot of writers have signings in book stores and libraries to promote their work. Do you think, maybe, she will come to local porno shops for premier showings?
she could remake Ishtar into a porno. the story line is already porn quality.
Thanks H Man!! You’re too kind as always!!
Daddy Queerist
Mogul Dick with Harvey Weinstein.
Mrs. Couch Fire.
Drool – this time the trucker wins.
From Here To Paternity.
She should hook up with that Lizzo thing, that would be a really great show.
1) she’s not that good. She’s only doing basic webcam solo stuff. As porn goes, shes basic lame
2) Spielberg is probably doing the right thing, avoiding a teen rebellion response
3) cmon, dont you respect her more for *not* taking daddy’s money?
ShitInMyFace List.
ET The Extra Testicle
Close Encounters of the Third Dick
YourAss Park
War Whore
Saving Ryan’s Privates
What’s daddy’s money for and who should get it if not the kid? The IRS?