Still Miss Glen Campbell – IOTW Report

Still Miss Glen Campbell

Listen to this guitar playing and flawless singing.

What a talent.

16 Comments on Still Miss Glen Campbell

  1. After seeing the documentary (The Wrecking Crew), I have a much, much, much greater appreciation for how unique Glen Campbell was among guitar players, and the breadth of his talent. Real genius.

    I only recently learned about Muscle Shoals and the history of Southern Rock (as I work my way through YT and the entire internet in the era of CV19). Wow!

    I had no idea where so many musical acts got their first big breaks or how many known stars were session players, sometimes for years before they became famous. (I figure everyone but me knows that it was a fluke that Billy Powell came to perform the iconic piano opening to “Free Bird”, as no one in Lynryrd Skynyrd knew their roadie could play like that.)

    It’s too bad the stories of these uniquely-gifted musicians and the admiration by fellow musicians aren’t more widely told.

  2. Very timely post for me. We had to put our dog down 3 weeks ago and my wife has been in the dumps ever since. We decided to get a puppy (Australian Shepard – Husky mix) and my wife named him Campbell after her favorite singer.


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