‘Stop lying’: Biden touts jobs numbers, slams Trump after rare fact-check from friendly CNN – IOTW Report

‘Stop lying’: Biden touts jobs numbers, slams Trump after rare fact-check from friendly CNN

BPR: Despite the economy being in tatters because of supply chain issues, rampant inflation, surging gas prices and a poor labor force participation rate, President Joe Biden keeps acting as if the economy is performing just fine — better even, he claims, than the demonstrably superior economy of former President Donald Trump.

His recent claims about his allegedly booming economy have grown so fantastical that even CNN is now being forced to fact-check him.

In a tweet posted late Thursday morning, the president touted the creation of five million jobs since January as a great success over his predecessor.

“We’ve created nearly five million jobs since I took office in January. That’s ten times the average monthly rate I inherited from my predecessor, ” he wrote.  President Joe Biden continues to lie at virtually every single moment.

Not mentioned by the president was that this admittedly high job creation rate is a consequence of the receding coronavirus pandemic, not his policies.

This isn’t the first time the president has pulled this stunt. He tried it in May by claiming at the time that 1.5 million jobs had been created because of him.

At the time, the BBC fact-checked him by noting that the job growth he was highlighting “comes from a low base point given that in April last year, unemployment hit its highest level since the Great Depression of the 1930s.”

“More than 22 million jobs were lost in the space of two months due to the impact of coronavirus,” the fact-check reads. more here

10 Comments on ‘Stop lying’: Biden touts jobs numbers, slams Trump after rare fact-check from friendly CNN

  1. Allowing people to go back to work after closing the economy and scaring a bunch of useful idiots who wanted their freedoms taken away is quite a stretch from creating jobs.

  2. Joe Biden the pedophile is a known chronic liar from years back who’s also been exposed as an otherwise failed vaudevillian narcissist who the majority of Americans despise, the exception being the comical gullibles. Ignore the pendulous croaking slob who can’t tell up from down.

  3. “More than 22 million jobs were lost in the space of two months due to the impact of coronavirus,”

    “More than 22 million jobs were lost in the space of two months due to the impact of coronavirus Dempanic Hoax,”

    Fixed it for em.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Methinks it quite evident to every person with marginal intelligence that Biden is an utter failure and untruthful in most things he says. Of course he may be unable to sort fiction from reality and just says what he’s told but, what he is party to is bringing this nation to its knees.


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