Stop the Presses – We Have Found The Dumbass of ALL TIME! – IOTW Report

Stop the Presses – We Have Found The Dumbass of ALL TIME!

Here he is, folks. James Twyman.

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Why is he a dumbass?

He’s a folk singer. And he wants to throw a concert.

“It’s going to be pretty powerful,” Twyman said, referring to his plan to have those attending and others around the world sing and pray for peace at the same time. “When people come together and focus on something in a positive way…there’s scientific evidence that it can change things for the better.”

“I’m no sort of hero, but I do believe in the power of this.”

– James Twyman

Where is this concert, and who is the audience?

He is going to sneak away from an Israel controlled territory called Majdal Shams and cross into ISIS controlled Syrian territories and serenade them into… understanding?

Here’s a picture of the aftermath when a guy tried to serenade a bear.


The bear’s breath smells like stupid hippie.

66 Comments on Stop the Presses – We Have Found The Dumbass of ALL TIME!

  1. I don’t wish anyone have their head cut off or be burned alive.

    But I don’t want to see anyone lose their lives trying to rescue this dumb ass if he actually goes through with this.

  2. Bravo! I say let the man serenade the sub-human swine breeders. I mean, what could go wrong? It’s a stroke of peace loving brilliance and a damn shame no one thought of it before famed balladeer Ink Head Twyman. The mooozlums will adore him and possibly desire a little sexy time with him post concert.

  3. This is really a good idea. When he gets killed, then the world will know how bad these Muslim jerks are. If only more liberals would do this, the world would be a better place as they would not be here.

  4. Here is a surprise for you……he is from Oregon. Lots of morons there. By coincidence, my wife and another couple went to Olympia (another place with a lot of morons) last night to see a band. They were also from Oregon. A heck of a good band, right up until they started with some political jibberish. I will not be seeing them again.

  5. I’m all for individual effort, and if this guy wants to try his hand at pacifying the ISIS horde, I wish him well.

    I expect, however, that he will have his bowels handed to him but he might not recognize them because his cognitive connection to the real world is about as substantial as Whoopi Goldberg’s wisdom.

  6. As a folk singer/songwriter, I’m offended by this article.

    I sing and write songs about drinking and heartbreak to heartbroken drunks.

    Does that mean that…

    Uh, er, no…. You’re correct. He’s a massive dumbass.

  7. For some reason, leftists think they are above it all. It’s like Grizzleyman who thought Alaskan brown bears would be fine with him and his girlfriend living among then. Since the kook is a folk singer, I’m sure his gurgling screams will be more melodic than those of previous isis victims.

  8. Anyone for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya, Michael Row Your Boat Ashore, Guantanamera, If I Had A Hammer etc. etc. Where’s Pete Seeger when you need him , oh that’s right he’s dead. And while you’re at it please take Peter, Paul and Mary and keep all of them please so I don’t have to hear their shitty music ever again.

  9. cumbyah!

    someone with a death wish… of course!

    I’d like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony… hey, Hey! that’s my head your sawing off there bro!

    HELP!, I can’t breath…

    heads up, don’t saw!

    that’s all folks

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