Stormy’s Lawyer Says She Will Release Composite Sketch Of Man Who Threatened Her – IOTW Report

Stormy’s Lawyer Says She Will Release Composite Sketch Of Man Who Threatened Her

DC: Michael Avenatti told CNN’s Alisyn Camerota Monday that his client Stormy Daniels will release a composite sketch Tuesday of the man who allegedly threatened her to stay quiet about her relationship with Donald Trump back in 2011.

“My client sat down with Lois Gibson. She’s the foremost forensic artist in the world,” the lawyer stated Monday morning. “She has a world record for the number of IDs.”

[…] He declined to answer when asked if he and Daniels had brought the sketch to the police.  MORE

35 Comments on Stormy’s Lawyer Says She Will Release Composite Sketch Of Man Who Threatened Her

  1. found some leaked Stormy interview … from ‘several sources’

    “… yes, Mr. Officer, he said his name was Mr. Non-Descript … is that French?”

  2. People have pictures of this yeti with stuff sticking into her and unmentionables sticking out of her – there’s no “he said – she said” about it. And now she wants us to chase geese for an artists rendering of a man who wasn’t naked. Gimme a break.

  3. Are you kidding me?! CNN is so pathetic airing this BS! I mean this dirt bag has nothing and admits such. Very close to ID’ing the guy but we need the public’s help? WTF! This is now acceptable journalism? Better call Saul! ha ha, the most trusted news!

  4. So, she can spot him if she saw him again. The lawyer said it’s a well known person, but she has to have a sketch artist draw out the person who her lawyer says can be very easily found… But they don’t have a name, they didn’t give it to the police or detectives to find the guy… even though he can be picked out very easily, they still need the public’s help. Did I get that right? LMAO! Is he working for blowjobs?

  5. What if some guttersnipe, camera Hogg comes along and identifies a guy who was a friend of the President, but who is no longer with us. CNN’s Camerarotten could run with this bullshit for years. Meanwhile the President has the economy to deal with, along with Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, and a sneaky bunch of RINO cork soakers.
    The man needs our prayers.

  6. Colonel Mustard. In the Library. With a Candlestick.

    The only question here is which Leftist entity is paying this obnoxious ambulance chaser to keep the Trump-Defamation smear story going with fresh antics for each news cycle.

    She’s a faded porno actress, over 40, and her main income source is itinerant pole dancing at strip clubs.
    Avenatti hasn’t dropped his practice to pursue this smear campaign full time for a lap full of Stormy’s crumpled up $5 tips.

  7. Trump needs to bring in the expert professor from the University of Nevada to testify that Stormy did not see or can even give a description of the guy unless the sketch was done within 5 minutes of the event. Even then, Stormy is probably greatly mistaken on identity. Here’s the professor:

    Her areas of expertise: Psychology and Law

    Witness memory
    False confessions
    Issues of sexual consent
    Rules of evidence
    Jury research

    I sat on a jury where she testified for the defendant, her testimony was interesting on people falsely identifying people especially under stress.

  8. Sorry, but I have to ask: Are we talking about a drawing of a face or of “something else”?

    Emmanuel Goldstein only had to put up with “2 minute hates” in 1984. In 2018, we’re having to put up with “24 hour hates”, every day!

  9. She’s a badly worn out porn “star”…a whore! WHO gives a fuck what she says? This is beyond pathetic, Lyin’ Willie can fuck a 19 yr old slut pig ON the Resolute desk and rape how many? and nothing…Trump fucks a full grown woman, consensually, and its time to burn him at the stake?
    Fuck off!
    Trump 2020!

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