Story time with Dianny – IOTW Report

Story time with Dianny

Martin would-you-please-go-now

Welcome to story time with Dianny. Today I’m sharing a classic children’s book. Gather around. Pull up a seat.

I hope you enjoy it!

6 Comments on Story time with Dianny

  1. I do not like the Left at all
    Not a smidgen, I recall
    I do not like their crafty ways
    their fawning over Dykes and Gays
    They use their urine in their art
    because they’re all so fucking smart
    They all drive hybrids every one
    believing slowness equals fun
    They cry for Lions, mourn their loss
    Demand big raises from their boss
    Cannot change the oil or tires
    Certainly never start a fire
    BBQ’s are smoke pollution
    Clouds of Pot smoke, their solution
    Shitty movies preachy themes
    endless social justice memes
    Like Polar Bears and warming globe
    this comes from damaged frontal lobes
    Killing babies, call it “care”
    scolding mothers everywhere
    I do not like this crappy left
    their constant lies and shameless theft
    their onesy men and mannish women
    the EPA just outlawed swimmin’
    I do not like this Clinton Hag
    (now there’s a face that needs a bag)
    The ones that I hate most all
    are RINO’s born without their balls

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