Student Bounced From School For Wearing Pro-Border Wall Shirt Wins Lawsuit – IOTW Report

Student Bounced From School For Wearing Pro-Border Wall Shirt Wins Lawsuit


Former Liberty High School student Addison Barnes won a legal victory against the Hillsboro School District in a legal settlement Barnes’ attorneys announced today.

Liberty High Principal Greg Timmons will write a letter of apology to Reed, who was removed from class and told he couldn’t wear shirt supporting President Donald J. Trump’s plan to build a wall along the Mexican border.

In addition, the Hillsboro School District, of which Liberty High is a part, will pay Barnes’ attorneys $25,000 for legal fees.

Barnes sued the district in U.S. District Court in Portland in May, as The Oregonian first reported. A federal judge ruled he had right to wear the shirt.


9 Comments on Student Bounced From School For Wearing Pro-Border Wall Shirt Wins Lawsuit

  1. There are so very many places across the nation with the name Hillsboro ( I live in NH and there is one here and in Ma. and VT)

    But surprise surprise its in Portland…LOL

    “libery” high skool…LOL

    Well, they got the “HIGH” part right anyways so I guess with today’s common core math geniuses 1 out of 3 is a win!

  2. So glad he won his case; that’s a big win for us all. Also glad the principal and the district were outed for their divisive and punitive Leftist asshattery, the good tax-paying folks in Hillsborough can hardly pay for their schools as it is. In a just world, the principal would have written a letter of resignation.

  3. The District paid $25,000 for Barnes’ attorneys.
    “The District” didn’t pay, the taxpayers paid for the Principal’s actions.
    The principal paid no consequences for his actions, the taxpayers were punished again.


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