Supreme Court Rejects Sidney Powell’s Election Fraud Petitions without Further Comment – IOTW Report

Supreme Court Rejects Sidney Powell’s Election Fraud Petitions without Further Comment

Law and Crime-

The Supreme Court rejected two mandamus petitions that Sidney Powell and other “Kraken”-aligned lawyers filed in late December. Those cases were stylized as In re Tyler Bowyer, et al. and In Re William Feehan. The cases took issue with the election results in Arizona and Wisconsin, where Trump lost to Joe Biden.

“The petitions for writs of mandamus are denied,” the court said Monday. That’s it, that’s the order.

Nothing to see here.


ht/ fdr in hell

28 Comments on Supreme Court Rejects Sidney Powell’s Election Fraud Petitions without Further Comment

  1. Can’t say I’m in anyway surprised.

    The snap back from all this institutional failure is going to be fierce. Those associated with these flawed safeguards are not going to like it.

  2. What really bothers me about this is if the SCOTUS is compromised there’s no legal recourse against these communists. If they gain control of the military they can just suspend elections. DC is already an armed encampment. These judges will go down in history as traitors.

  3. If it isn’t crystal clear by now,….McConnell successfully positioned judges who were anti-Trump and unless you’re a progressive socialist or democrat your grievance matters not and the constitution is null and void.

  4. Well… 97 more lawsuits left to go.
    *eye roll*
    At this point, if we take the H and S, SCOTUS members can be removed in ’22.
    And the dems will go along with it just for spite. lol

  5. Is there not any curiosity just for sh*ts and giggles? I guess it’s too risky that actual stolen election proof would get out and break the narrative. 🤨

  6. Just stop already. What sort of dolt believes that the court system will allow any election fraud case to proceed? What’s done is done. Nothing will reverse the ugly truth that – like it or not – Joe Biden is now our president. At least until Kamala shoves him down a flight of stairs or something…

  7. Unfortunately, if any of the SCOTUS justices (like Roberts) is removed, then Biden, oops, sorry, President Harris, will be able to appoint a replacement, at least until 2024. Of course, since the courts will do nothing to address the voter irregularities or will support the attempts by the democrats to instantiate voter fraud, there will never be another non-democrat president.

  8. The constitution is a great document.
    I would be willing to go somewhere with a group of people who would still like to implement and use it.
    Unfortunately, the USA is not that place anymore.

  9. Impeach on violation of their oath of office.

    ” “I, _________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”


  10. 16 years back I said the most liberal President in American history made no mistake pushing the most liberal judge in history for Chief, many said I was meshugana! What say you know!

    I was right! Liberal Bush knew what he was doing; andAmericans suffer!

    Roberts will protect the Bus/Soros/Dominion vote fraud forever!

  11. MJA
    Interestingly enough, in 2016 Libtard retards actually believed their own fixed polls. They were convinced that old smelly puss would win. So they didn’t bother to cheat. That’s why she’s still so pissed.


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