Supreme Court Rejects Tony Evers District Map of Wisconsin – IOTW Report

Supreme Court Rejects Tony Evers District Map of Wisconsin

NBC News

The Supreme Court on Wednesday blocked a revised plan for legislative districts in Wisconsin that created a new Black voting district and was opposed by Republicans.

The new map, drawn by Democratic Gov. Tony Evers, created one new Black-majority state House district touching Milwaukee. Republicans urged the court to block the plan and instead revert to boundaries drawn up by the GOP-controlled Legislature. Those were rejected by the state Supreme Court, which ordered election officials to follow the governor’s map instead.

In an unsigned opinion, the Supreme Court said the governor’s plan embraced “the sort of uncritical majority-minority district maximization that we have expressly rejected.” More

9 Comments on Supreme Court Rejects Tony Evers District Map of Wisconsin

  1. Tony is a pencil neck slime ball. This is the second piece of bad news he has gotten this week. The state courts also agreed that the 2020 election in Wisconsin was impacted by outside tampering. Further legal actions are pending.

  2. Is anyone surprised that Karan and Sotomayor dissented? What would have been the response if the Governor proposed a district of predominant white people? When will the left learn that race does not justify assuming a vote? Anyone remember the pResident in their minds saying that if you didn’t vote for him you aren’t black?

  3. Every district should be as nearly square as humanly possible.
    And we should revert to the (Constitutional) doctrine of 1 Representative per 30,000 people instead of the present (Statutory) fixed 435 Representatives (roughly 1 Rep per 800,000 people – which is absurd).

    I know … I know … nobody WANTS to fix it.
    Both sides are greedy, rapacious, opportunistic, grifting, thieving, lying, corrupt, self-serving perverts.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Wow, Tim-FJB, I thought I was the only one! How people can accept the gerrymandering that still goes on is beyond me. Do postal Zipcodes have similar shapes as voting districts? No, because even the Postal System is not that dumb. The only reason to draw district lines the way they do is to skew the vote in favor of whatever party is in charge – everybody knows it and hardly anyone cares. THAT is why we are in the mess we’re in today – nobody cares……yet.


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