Sweden Denies Request For Memorial For the Murdered Refugee Worker – IOTW Report

Sweden Denies Request For Memorial For the Murdered Refugee Worker

Alexandra Mezher, 22, a Swedish social worker who was allegedly stabbed to death by a 15-year-old asylum seeker at a shelter for refugee children. Gothenburg, Sweden. Collect of Alexandra Mezher on the day of her university graduation in June 2015.
Alexandra Mezher, 22, a Swedish social worker who was stabbed to death by a 15-year-old asylum seeker at a shelter for refugee children.

Can you guess why?

They don’t want to make things uncomfortable for the Muslims at the refugee center.

They also denied a request to lower the Swedish flag.



21 Comments on Sweden Denies Request For Memorial For the Murdered Refugee Worker

  1. There may be a difference between the Swedish government and the Swedish people. There needs to be a revolution, or they’re going to get sucked down the black hole of dhimmification.

  2. Up here in North Maine, we’ve already issued hunting licenses to take museloids crossing over from Canada.
    Now if we can convince the local boys that they taste just like chicken, the fun will begin.

  3. This is happening all over the so-called civilized world. Governments (including ours) are ruling instead of listening. Ignoring the voice of the people. I think there will be a worldwide revolution, but it will have to get much worse first. In the meantime, read my name.

  4. The Swedes are sick and tired of blue-eyed blonds and have been for decades. They crave dark meat. It’s a sort of self-hatred that comes with cradle to grave security and boredom. It could be called a mental disorder.

  5. Once the muzzies take over, there will be nothing left of Swedish culture, Swedish history, Swedish legacy. They will disappear, swallowed up by the invaders. Way to go, Sweden!

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