Ta hell’s goin’ on with Nancy? – IOTW Report

Ta hell’s goin’ on with Nancy?

34 Comments on Ta hell’s goin’ on with Nancy?

  1. She’s bat-shit crazy, and in her own corrupt little world, destroying ours.

    She could at least drop dead on live tv when she goes, just for the entertainment value.

  2. She’s getting the MST 3000 Theater treatment from the peanut gallery. Except that this isn’t a really bad dystopic sci fi movie. Or is it? And we don’t know it. Or are too dumb from becoming an idiocracy that a lot of idiots (81 million supposed Biden voters, hah) don’t care.

  3. Nothing more than an old witch casting a spell over the husk to keep him alive & upright on during his “speech”. Obviously, it didn’t help his syntax one iota. He sounded like a pathetic drunk telling all who listened about how wonderful he is. No offense to pathetic drunks, mind you. Except for Nancy Pelosi, of course!

  4. She’s got a bill to give her supporters more money, just going to put it in a bill that supposed to help the military combat their medical problems. Republicans will have to vote for it, or be accused of not supporting the troops. Biden just gave his approval of it right then.

  5. She got excited when she heard “toxic burn pit”.
    She thought she was going home.
    Her problem is, Heaven won’t take her and Hell is scared she’s going to take over.


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