Al-Shabaab Follows Hillary’s Lead
Two weeks after Hillary Clinton lied about Islamic extremist using Donald Trump in their recruitment videos, the terrorist group Al-Shabaab did just that. Of course, the leftist media is leaping [Read More]
Two weeks after Hillary Clinton lied about Islamic extremist using Donald Trump in their recruitment videos, the terrorist group Al-Shabaab did just that. Of course, the leftist media is leaping [Read More]
In an obvious shot across Hillary’s bow, Donald Trump suggested that if Hillary and her minions continue with the “War on Women” accusation against him, he will begin asking about her treatment [Read More]
The Hill reports that Hillary Clinton (D-NY) has reached beyond the two left coasts in its bid to build the largest campaign chest known to man. Her campaign has [Read More]
In an attempt to humanize their candidate among Hispanic voters, the democrat frontrunner came up with “7 things Hillary Clinton has in common with your abuela” [grandmother.] This spawned [Read More]
Despite efforts by the Democrats, and their allies in the press, to underplay and misinform about Hillary Clinton’s e-mail scandal, both the CIA and National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) confirm that [Read More]
Liars always get tripped up when they have to explain the inconsistencies in their own story. Hillary Clinton was asked by pal Stephanopoulos if she blamed the video when speaking with the families [Read More]
Catherine Herridge is reporting this morning that the FBI is expanding its investigation into the making of false statements and or putting pressure on a third party to cover up [Read More]
Now that he realizes that he handed the nomination to Hillary Clinton during the first debate with his throw away line about people being “sick and tired” of her e-mails, [Read More]
The Obama Administration declared that it won’t release e-mails exchanges between the President and then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton until after he has left office. The White House [Read More]
The maneuvering is finally over and former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton has been sworn in to testify before the House committee investigating the attack on the U.S. Consulate in [Read More]
The government open records organization, Judicial Watch, has discovered that a draft indictment of Hillary Clinton and Web Hubbell exists and is being held by the National Archives. With 38 [Read More]
A woman had this image shaved on the back of her head. Story She’s also a big Selena fan and had that image shaved on her head first.
Just who was Tyler Drumheller? Alfred Hitchcock’s love child? A man who went around demanding smaller people “get in my belly” and meant it? A former CIA officer who had [Read More]
Hillary campaign staffers are reported to be desperately trying to redirect her anger away from them and at Republicans before their candidate losses it in front of the cameras. [Read More]
A number of witnesses who either interned or worked in the State Department during Hillary’s tenure claim that she was busy organizing and prepping for her presidential run instead of [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.