paul ryan – IOTW Report

Party ’till The Money Runs Out

Saturday, 2 February 2019, 19:00 Dr. Tar 3

Journalism as a career choice has become uncertain in recent days as a spate of layoffs have been announced. Interestingly enough, the $160 million allocated by government to various outlets [Read More]

Ryan Lied, The Wall Was Denied

Thursday, 31 January 2019, 11:15 Dr. Tar 16

The Conservative Treehouse – President Trump gave an exclusive interview to the Daily Caller.  Part of that interview entailed President Trump outlining the back-story behind him signing the Omnibus spending [Read More]

Farm Bill Gets Plowed Under

Friday, 18 May 2018, 16:00 Dr. Tar 10

The House today defeated the $868 billion (that Billion with a B) farm bill. It took a bi-partisan vote of democrats (who want to demonstrate house republicans are worthless and [Read More]

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