Tagline Creation 2.0 – IOTW Report

Tagline Creation 2.0

This is important, so we’re giving it a round 2.

Here are the leaders so far from round 1.

-Pointing Out the Obvious to the Oblivious

-Doing the Job the MSM Won’t Do

Now is the time to add more. You can repeat from the past if you think it got short shrift the 1st time around.

We’ll get it eventually.



121 Comments on Tagline Creation 2.0

  1. “Truth. The New Hate Crime”

    Dat ol’ reality jes’ keep apoppin’ up…”

    “And you thought you’d heard everything…”

    “See how low they can go!”

  2. IOTW Report: we’ve got keyboards and we’re not afraid to use them.

    Home of the Double Deplorable Burger, piled high with a side of snark.

    Your daily knuckle sammich, expertly delivered below the belt to the deserving.

  3. iOTWREPORT Riff to live. Live to riff.
    iOTWREPORT Because nobody is above a good riff.
    iOTWREPORT Come for the news. Stay for the riffs.
    iOTWREPORT For a unique mix of news, fun and good will.
    iOTWREPORT Home of Big Fur Hat and friends.
    iOTWREP0RT You are at the RIGHT place Comrades.

  4. 1. IOTW: The Other White Meat
    2. Good to the Last Drop
    3. What’s on Your Computer?
    4. It’s not the Internet, it’s I Own The World.
    5. IOTW, It takes a Clicking and Keeps On Ticking
    6. IOTW, Melts into your head, not on to your keyboard

  5. Blowing the lid off Liberal journalism.

    Watching Liberal’s heads explode…
    …one stupid, shit-for-brain at a time.
    …while Trump Makes America Great Again.

    Oh, hell, ready to blow Liberal’s heads clean off.

    Global thermo-cultural war!

    Close encounters of the Conservative kind.

  6. IOTW: We Move Mole Hills Like No One Else.

    IOTW: Pointing Out the Oblivious to the Obvious.
    One of my original selections to vote for!


  7. Thought I already submitted this but it didn’t show up on the last one:

    IOTW Report: Red-pilling Liberals since (add date)
    Or Red-pilling Snowflakes……..

  8. IOTWReport, where progressives can comment and only have a 5-minute span to completely change that comment based on responses…Like a stadarsized test, tick, tock!

  9. Lefties may go to this sight and think “I Own the World”, how pompous! Then they read the comments and think, “I’m Out, Tactical Withdrawal”.

  10. I like both finalist, so you won’t get a complaint from me if you choose either one.

    I’d like to make an argument for my favorite

    “Simply Deplorable”

    It’s a play on words on a couple of different levels. Show someone from the left the website and that would be their reaction, show someone on the right the website and they’d smile, in agreement.

  11. IOTW Report: because Mike Rowe will only go so far.

    The REAL counter culture.

    Persist we much!

    Yeah? You and what army?

    That ain’t no way to have fun, son.

    With Malice toward some.


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