Tales From the Voting Lines – IOTW Report

Tales From the Voting Lines

illustr8r sent me this-

I was wondering if anyone has been giving you “man on the street” experiences with early voting or have plans to on Nov 8? Here we mail in our ballots. I am completely removed from any sense excitement or subtle interaction with a Trumpster to give a thumbs up to, or, the ever popular nod and smile.
I got bupkis!!!
I’d love to hear iOTWer’s ballot box tales if anyone has any.
I’m in a voter desert. Need water. 😉
Maybe a daily post? Or they could send them to me and I can compile them and post them every few days?


23 Comments on Tales From the Voting Lines

  1. Great idea, illustr8r.
    I’m going to vote Nov 08 myself, regatdlesss whether it rains, floods, EMPs, or giant sinkholes appear.

    Encouragingly, in Florida so far the GOP absenteee ballots have returned 30,000+ more than Dems so far, and Independents are setting new records.
    Looking encouraging for Trump in Florida.

  2. I voted by mail last week, so same boat. Interesting exchange today between Newt Gingrich and Megyn Kelly about voter turnout – she sure seems to want Trump to lose. http://www.chicksontheright.com/newt-gingrich-just-manhandled-megyn-kelly-holy-crap

    On an unrelated note, a ‘possible Facebook friend’ popped up with 5 mutual friends – three I know from this site, and two I know locally out here on the Left Coast. It’s an interesting world we live in!

  3. Loco, Pathetic ain’t it. But we’ll keep stepping up to the plate as long as we’re here. Our county, along with all the counties north of Sacramento will go Trump. Unfortunately that doesn’t mean shit.

  4. I voted yesterday in Indiana. I usually vote early and there’s never been anyone waiting in line. Yesterday was different. There were 8 people ahead of me. Most of them were nice with a ready smile. That means they were Trump voters. There was only one sourpuss.

    As I left a woman about 30 years old was going in and we smiled at each other. I asked her if she was going to do the right thing and she said she hoped so. I mouthed “Trump,” she grinned and said yep.

    It took me a while to get into the van, and I sat there putting on my Trump broach. By that time she came out from the polling place and we looked at each other and I pointed to my broach. She grinned from ear to ear and said “hope he makes it.”

    I’ve been making phone calls for my Pence replacement governor. Anyone who says they are going for the Republican, tells me Trump also. Even the NT RINO that I spoke with a few days ago conceded that because of SCOTUS, he has to vote Trump. (He was one of those pseudo intellectuals who reads (all the wrong things).

    I have a ton of Trump broach pin stories. Best 40 bucks I ever spent. I wear it everywhere and people comment all the time.

  5. My Husband & I vote early, absentee, he’s disabled. I decided to drop them instead of send them this year & was surprised they didn’t ask for ANY ID, vote registration card, nothing! I’m in AZ & believe ID is still required. Everyone I’ve talked to Dr. offices, market etc. All ARE Trump or leaning. I just keep reminding them of how the last 8 yrs have been, how crooked Hillary is & the National Security stuff. Surprised how uninformed some people are, still! Some bring up his ‘talk’I just tell them I would take a ‘nastymouth’ over a lying one anyday. That get’s them!

  6. Nevada early voting started Saturday. I was able to have my grandsons go to the machine with me. All of a sudden they both say “You’re voting for Trump?” when I cast my vote. I looked around, and saw quite a few thumbs up, even a couple of monitors did it. The boys were getting high fives as we walked to the parking lot.

  7. I mailed mine in last week. One guy in line ahead of me at the post office. The clerk smiled at me.
    I will call the courthouse to verify they received my ballot in the mail.

  8. I’m working at an early voting site in an city that is a liberal cesspool. Sorry, no good news for Trump where I live.
    One brave soul came to vote the other day wearing a red t-shirt with “Trump” in bold letters. Her 20 something son and daughter in law came with her-all Republicans. I smiled at her and winked, she smiled and nodded. It was a great moment.

  9. I voted absentee in Pennsylvania last week.

    I don’t know if any of you remember my moving story. I really, really wanted to vote in PA rather than WA because I hoped that way my vote would mean something. Well, I managed it, happy to say. Don’t ask how. LOL

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