Tammy Baldwin Makes Transing the Military Kids Her Cause – IOTW Report

Tammy Baldwin Makes Transing the Military Kids Her Cause

Victory Girls

I am completely certain that one day, very soon, we will look back at this Trans Child Cult and mortified and ashamed. Not today. Senator Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin is leading Democrat Senators who want to remove a ban on Trans health care for the children of United States Military in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). To say it another way, in a time of cost cutting and a return to lethality for our military, the Junior Senator from Wisconsin wants to ensure confused children of our military can get cross-sex hormones. She can’t read the room, can she? Baldwin just won reelection to her seat last month and so she is safe for the next six years.

The Congress has to settle on the NDAA so that both the lower and upper chambers can focus on the latest Continuing Resolution. The House passed the Authorization with the ban on Trans Child health care. At least 14 Senators led by Tammy are not happy, according to NBC More

5 Comments on Tammy Baldwin Makes Transing the Military Kids Her Cause

  1. Baldwin is another senator that was cheated back into her seat this year. Eric Hovde was ahead by several thousand votes the night of the election, but over several days of highly suspect vote counting his lead disappeared until Baldwin supposedly pulled ahead and was declared the winner.

    If President Trump is true to his word and investigates the many incidents of election fraud in the 2024 races, I suspect that it will be proven that Baldwin and a couple of other senators were cheated into their seats. And many house races such as in California (Orange County in particular) were ckearly stolen as well.


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