Tancredo: Good Thing Crony Capitalists Oppose Trump – IOTW Report

Tancredo: Good Thing Crony Capitalists Oppose Trump

Breitbart: As sure as the sun rises in the east, crony capitalists know who butters their bread each day, and in 2016, they are rallying to support the Clinton dynasty and block the Trump insurgency.

A recent headline trumpeted the result of a survey among the “Fortune 500” executives: “Not one of the top Fortune 100 CEO’s supports Donald Trump.”

The story was curiously silent on how many of those top 100 corporate leaders support Hillary Clinton, but Americans are supposed to be alarmed that not one of them supports Trump.

Really? C’mon, man: most Americans will find that news reassuring, not alarming.
Why anyone should be surprised at Clinton’s support among top corporate leaders is a mystery.  MORE

4 Comments on Tancredo: Good Thing Crony Capitalists Oppose Trump

  1. This gov’t is as corrupt as China’s. The only way to get anything done is to grease some palms. It must stop. The crony globalists prefer paying tribute to working within statutes. None of them even care anymore if any of it comes to light, that’s how bad it is. It’s a given.

  2. So,the top one precenters, who according to Hillary,don’t pay their fair share are against one of their own being President? Would that mean they want a President who will raise their taxes? Or could it mean they want a President who they can buy off? Thus continuing the crony system of corruption they enjoy?

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