Target Stores’ Chrissy Teigen To First Lady Melania Trump: “F*** You” – IOTW Report

Target Stores’ Chrissy Teigen To First Lady Melania Trump: “F*** You”


Target store representative Chrissy Teigen went off on a foul-mouthed rant against First Lady Melania Trump on Tuesday, calling her a “wifebot” and culminating in a filthy “fuck you”.

Teigen, who is married to popular musician John Legend, has a kitchen product line at Target called, the Cravings by Chrissy Teigen collection.

Teigen’s rant against Melania Trump:

“Has melania even thought about doing something with her be best shit during these times? I see regular ass awesome people on my timeline all day doing all they can to make people happy and this wifebot is working on whatever the fuck a tennis gazebo is…I expect Donald to be a do nothing fucking loser wimp but she could maybe possibly try to uhhh BE BETTER possibly the best be the best the best be best…ALL I have seen this bot do is gently touch Christmas ornaments in a cape and stare in a cape and pat statues in a different cape and then change her cape into a rude ass jacket. Fuck you”


ht/ abigail adams

43 Comments on Target Stores’ Chrissy Teigen To First Lady Melania Trump: “F*** You”

  1. This is right at the limit of my current cultural knowledge, but it’s what I gleaned from a recent 800 mile road trip with only an AM radio….”CHRISSY TEIGEN MARRIED JOHN LEGEND KNOWING THAT HE HAD A PECULIAR AND SMALL PENIS”….

  2. Ever seen a side view of this pig? She looks like she got smacked in the kisser with a flat nose shovel doing 900 mph. I’m serious. Her face is as ugly as her personality

  3. Classy. I would boycott her products but 1) I have no idea who she is. 2) I have no idea what her products are. 3) I have been boycotting Target ever since they bounced the Salvation away from their store fronts.

  4. Crissy, I can read the future. Here is yours!

    Target will not renew you as they do not wish to alienate 54% of their customers. (Hollywood is not their TARGET demographic)
    You will continue to age and gain weight.
    John Legend (in his own mind) will find younger women.
    You will have trouble dealing with this so a bit of liposuction and plastic surgery will be your first steps.
    You kids will need less of your time and you will not know what to do with yourself so you will go on a workout and an “I’m still hot phase”
    Heavier drinking will follow.
    Johnny will start spending even more time away from you, and as you get a few more wrinkles you will start using anti depressants.
    You will start hitting on anyone who pays attention to you and will find a younger guy who needs money and thinks you can help him.
    You will then have the bitter divorce.
    You will get a few DUI’s and go to rehab.
    Martyrdom and some public sympathy will result from your book deal but eventually the press will go away.
    Everyone will forget about you until you are mentioned as one of the parents of your kids who most likely will grow up spoiled and entitled, with no true talent, and in legal trouble. (I feel sorry for them)

    By then The Donald J. Trump presidential library will be completed!

  5. The wife and I stopped shopping at Target when they were all about the “gender neutral bathroom” stuff some years ago, haven’t been there in at least 6 years, no plan to go back again.

  6. The First Lady only speaks five languages fluently, you are having a hard time mumbling and swearing in English. Before you write her off, realize that she has already forgotten more than you will ever know.
    Keep the local number for a suicide hotline handy, you willl have need of it. She has something you will never be able to buy, that quality is called class.

  7. Target Corporate HQ contact info:

    Target Headquarters Phone Number: 1-612-304-6073 for Target headquarters and corporate affairs; 1-612-696-3400 for media relations; 1-800-775-3110 for investors’ relations. Target Headquarters Email: for customer queries.

    Also: Target Headquarters Phone Number Contact Info. Customer Support Number is +1 800-440-0680.

    They need to HEAR from us! No one associated with a public American company should be excused from disrespecting in such a foul way our FLOTUS.

    Please call them and let them know how unhappy you are about Teigan’s public vileness. They won’t know unless you call/email them.

  8. Of course, she can go fuck herself. So can her idiotic husband. So can Target and any business like it with all the insults to humanity it has handed to patriotic America. For that matter so can all of Hollywood, every progressive individual, the democrat party, the Dept of Justice [it seems], the anti-gun lobby, communism, the thugs of Antifa with all its kin, SJWs, empty headed celebrities, racial arsonists, the deep state, the main stream media [this now includes Fox News, unfortunately], to the colleges destroying the minds of our young in an overt attempt to destroy this country from within and the myriad of despicable ignoramuses of our population screaming opinions that betray their unhinged mental illness. Fuck them. Stand up to them and take our land back!

  9. @therapy can help… MARCH 18, 2020 AT 11:04 PM
    “She needs a psychological intervention and assessment. Like yesterday.”

    When you say “intervention”, I’m assuming you mean being beaten with an aluminum softball bat…

  10. I guess it would be better if Melina were actively trying to starve our children in schools, grow an extra ass and have a colorblind mentally challenged child dress her while failing to tuck her penis.

  11. I haven’t seen this wretched kunt since she was hanging her t@a out on SI’s swimsuit edition before I dropped that Kaepernick-loving rag. She’s a foul-mouthed oinker.

  12. Low rent trailer trash with money. Soooo, Melania is doing nothing? What exactly is weird looking Chrissy doing to help people? Donating money or time? Nope.
    Never could stand her. Homely as a brush fence but she hangs her boobs out all over the place and married Legend so she gets attention.

  13. Even before the bathroom incident I quit shopping in Target. I already have a crockpot. Their stores are just glorified K-Marts frequented by white and Asian Karens who feel smug about not shopping at WalMart.

  14. Follow Abigal Adams advice above and pend a few minutes contacting Target and politely unloading on them letting them know that until Target separates themselves from this slut you won’t be shopping there and that you will urge your friends to do the same.

    As for her both she and her husband John Legend are race baiting assholes that cash huge cheques while bemoaning all the racism they go through every day. Douchebags!

  15. Never mind her. Real soon she is going to get really ugly and fat and will have to rely on one last method to get an acting or TV reality gig. It’s inevitable. Assuming that Hollywood gets back to doing what their customers expect – providing decent entertainment.


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