Target Swiftly Bans Book On Behalf Of Anonymous Twitter User Crying ‘Transphobia’ – IOTW Report

Target Swiftly Bans Book On Behalf Of Anonymous Twitter User Crying ‘Transphobia’

Federalist: An official Target company Twitter account announced Thursday they had removed author Abigail Shrier’s book, “Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters” from the retailer’s “assortment” after an unverified Twitter user complained the book questions transgender ideology, especially the concept of irreversible hormonal and surgical experimentation on minors.

“I think the trans community deserves a response from @AskTarget @Target as to why they are selling this book about the ‘transgender epidemic sweeping the country.’ Trigger warning: Transphobia,” wrote the user.

Target thanked the user for bringing Shrier’s book to their attention.

Friday afternoon, a Target spokesman told The Federalist they would be adding the book back to their online catalog, but refused to specify why the book had been pulled in the first place. read more

12 Comments on Target Swiftly Bans Book On Behalf Of Anonymous Twitter User Crying ‘Transphobia’

  1. Target is on the leading edge of the antiChristian and pro satanic movement in this country. Been that way for a long time, ever since they banned things like the Salvation Army bell ringers and Christmas displays and music in their store (but still seem to want the benefit of Christmas shopping). They jump on every bandwagon of perversion and degeneracy that comes along and incorporate it into their store policies.

    Don’t shop there if you don’t approve of this. I haven’t shopped at Target in years no matter how convenient and easy it would sometimes be.

  2. “C’mon man. Here’s the deal. Folks, the covid pandemic is a cover op for increasing the supply of whangers by the covid death organ donation program.

    Oh crap, I did it again didn’t I? Just like when I let it slip that I don’t need your vote to win the election because we’ve built the most extensive voter fraud program in history”, Joe Biden.


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