Teacher Who Said Boys Can’t Be Girls Put On Administrative Leave – IOTW Report

Teacher Who Said Boys Can’t Be Girls Put On Administrative Leave

This seems a bit like when someone paid a heavy price for questioning if Earth was the center of the universe.

They cannot actually believe that they have science on their side. They have belief and feelings and strike down unmercifully upon the head of anyone that questions them.

They need to be eradicated. They cannot coexist peacefully.

Daily Caller –

A Virginia elementary school gym teacher who told the school board he would not “affirm that a biological boy can be a girl and vice versa” has since been placed on administrative leave.

During the Tuesday Loudoun County school board meeting, Byron “Tanner” Cross said he could not, in accordance with his religious beliefs, tell students who are biological boys that they are girls.

“My name is Tanner Cross and I am speaking out of love for those who suffer with gender dysphoria,” Cross said.

“’60 Minutes’ this past Sunday interviewed over 30 young people who transitioned but they felt led astray because lack of pushback or how easy it was to make physical changes to their bodies in just three months,” Cross said. “They are now detransitioning.”


12 Comments on Teacher Who Said Boys Can’t Be Girls Put On Administrative Leave

  1. Insane policies like this are enforced at a local level by non-wealthy prog assholes whose names are known and whose addresses can be found. That means they can be knee-capped. Being an evil marxist piece of shit should hurt… badly.

  2. There is religion in public schools. The Kooky Progressive Religion. And if you fail to state their articles of faith, you are deemed a heretic and removed. But heaven forbid you have an after-school prayer group.

  3. Loudon and Fairfax counties are the reason why the VA General Assembly turned blue a couple of years ago. Bunch of foreigners or well heeled woke morons.

  4. That is a comprehensive grasp of the obvious to everyone, except those blinded by their own philosophical stupidity. The next thing I want to change is gravity.

  5. His mistake was making it about religion and worse, referring to his religious beliefs extensively.

    The attack of the left is linguistic. Because of that, you must attack their language, not ignore the false and unstated assumptions.

    You cannot argue religion anything re “boys” and “girls” when the left has re-defined those terms.

    You cannot even argue “biological boys” and “biological girls” because the left is not referring to “sex” but to “gender” — a thing that people don’t actually have. The adjective renders the phrase a nonsensical “biological gender”.

    Argue about the fraudulent language games. Demand a definition first of what they mean by “boy” or “girl”.

    And thwart them by using their own language bullshit against them: divide your sports, bathrooms, dormitories and whatever into “cis-gender girls” and “everyone else”.


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