Teen charged after punching man dressed as Donald Trump for Halloween in the face – IOTW Report

Teen charged after punching man dressed as Donald Trump for Halloween in the face


A 14-year-old girl walked up to a man dressed as President Donald Trump as he stood in line at the Collier County fairgrounds in Naples, Florida, and allegedly punched him while her friends recorded it.

According to the Collier County Sheriff’s Office, the girl faces a misdemeanor charge of battery for the 8:40 p.m. Saturday incident.

An incident report indicates that the man and his family were in line to go into a haunted house exhibit when the girl walked over to him and punched him in the jaw. 

The man said the girl laughed and ran back to her place in line with about four other juveniles. 

The man approached her and asked why she punched him before finding a fair worker and asking for the sheriff’s deputies to report the incident.

The deputy questioned the girl and her parents. While interviewing them, a woman identifying herself as a Collier County School system employee said the incident was posted on Instagram. 


28 Comments on Teen charged after punching man dressed as Donald Trump for Halloween in the face

  1. “The deputy told the family that due to the nature of the crime and “that the sole motivation was to strike ‘Trump’,” investigators may follow up with them. ”


  2. Not straightening her bowtie!? And harrumphing on The Internet!? That b!tch.

    (Lucky she punched such much manly man. Who was able to lodge a strongly worded memo with management. Before flouncing off.)

  3. @Anonymous October 29, 2019 at 1:47 pm

    > Leftists need to get their asses flattened more often,

    A swing!

    > that’s the only way this violent stuff is going to stop.

    and a miss.

  4. She probably thought she could get away with it. Pampered, entitled and self-centered. She’ll continue to get in trouble until she either gets arrested for for felony assault or someone punches her lights out.

  5. This will never stop until they get punished good and hard. When the resistance tries this illegal resistance stuff, lock em up for years. Juvie for this little urchin.

    But they won’t because our elected republicans won’t demand it. As long as it’s just their constituents getting battered, they really don’t give a fuck and everyone knows it.

  6. You don’t punch but you do sue her parents. In addition the cops can make her life a spin though hell for a few years to the point where she won’t have any friends once a few of them are interviewed by the feds. It sounds harsh but unless something with consequence is done this little twat will grow up respecting nothing and quite capable of doing something much, much worse. Better she’s made an example of now for both her and her friends sakes.

  7. @Fred Ward October 29, 2019 at 3:13 pm

    > Cause it’s manly to punch a 14 year old girl?

    Manly mens, conservative mens, brave mens, take their beat downs from teen girls. To prove their worthiness to lick Saint Greta’s sandals. Ah… men.

  8. I think the victim suffered PTSD, soft tissue injuries, constant headaches and loss of enjoyment of life. Sue the parents of the little so and so. No more iPhones or fairgrounds for her.

  9. Part of the reason Americans love the police state is that the government made Americans dependent on the government.

    The government steals money from taxpayers to give to the lazy and outlaws feeding the homeless and starting a business.

    The government bans guns so Americans must rely on the Gestapo for protection.

    No one dares criticizes the government if they will lose their food stamps, Obamacare, Obamaphones, and Section 8.

  10. Just sayen IOTW hee men. And Hee Gurls. Well, that doesn’t sound right. What ever, if some ferocious pre puberty girls throws a “Hay Maker” at you, dip your head so she makes contact with your brainless cranium. Works every time. Only takes 6 pounds to bust up some knuckles.

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