Teens Make “Boomer Remover” Trend – IOTW Report

Teens Make “Boomer Remover” Trend


“Boomer Remover,” a mean nickname for the novel coronavirus COVID-19, began trending on Twitter early Friday.

The term has appeared in more than 65,000 tweets and references the higher mortality rate among older people infected with COVID-19—particularly among people over 60, including the Boomer Baby age cohort approximately between the ages of 56 and 74.

The nickname is most often touted by teenagers, with adults then sharing the term on social media, as in this early viral example of the trend: More

36 Comments on Teens Make “Boomer Remover” Trend

  1. I listen to what the younger generations claim they want. They want a system of government that has a track record of killing millions of people and reducing most of the rest to poverty, and there is no reason to assume that “socialism/communism 2.0” will be any different.

    Good luck with that.

  2. As long as the only boomers that croak because of the coronavirus are of the demonic likes of Nervous Nancy and Cryin’ Chuck Schumer, I’m all for that trending.

  3. Mr. Illustr8r said to block their access to the internet. Twerking on the beach? TikTok and Instagram auto delete. A gathering of 10 or more? All ten phones get bricked. Post a BoomerRemover meme anywhere? Reduce internet speed to the glory days of AOL. 😆

    You’ve. Got. Mail.

  4. I don’t know how this originated, but lots of Boomers have been around way too long. Think of Meathead Rob Reiner.

    We Boomers took a great country and pissed on it. Now that we are older we can do whatever we can do to fix the mess we created.

  5. try to think back to the times we were young smart-asses … many of my peers of that day, as myself, would have laughed at that reference … & I do now

    “The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.”

    ~ Socrates

  6. As a Boomer, this doesn’t particularly bother me. Let them laugh now because in the not too distant future the generations following them will be calling the millennials out-of-date, old, and all of the other ageist slurs (plus a few more for this group). So laugh now, millennials, but time will catch up with you too. You may have more time left than I do, but you have less time than you think. The Grim Reaper always gets the last laugh.

  7. Many of today’s most educated generation (damn, that’s funny) blame us old Boomers for most—if not all—the world’s ills. They’ll soon be in charge and have their way, poor dears. They’ll vote in socialism and then have no guns to shoot their way out. Glad I won’t be around to see it.

  8. This boomer knows how to do math with a piece of paper and a writing instrument, find a book in a library using the old file system, cook without a microwave, start a fire without a lighter, dress and butcher wildlife, fix mechanical devices (you would not believe how many young adults brought snowblowers in that wouldn’t run to have fixed that were simply out of gas or brought in 2 stroke snowblowers for a tune up and oil change) and read a map. I could go on and on but you get the picture.

  9. From the link: “It’s no wonder that “Boomer Remover” has become an epicenter for social media strife.”

    See that ‘social media’ in there?

    I’m seeing what seems to be people heavily involved in ‘social media’ developing split personalities. They will say things across that medium they would never say in person. Thinks that would get you kicked in the crotch or punched in the face.

    Is this why “doxing” is viewed as such an egregious crime today?

  10. “BREAKING: teens act like jerks while old people are cranky.”

    Is what ancient Sumerian tablets translate into.

    And I can’t help it Mrs. Ill. Gen X wasn’t any different, we just never had the numbers to annoy the oldsters the way these kids do today……. hang on, lacing up my Doc Martins while looking for my Public Enemy cassette tape.

  11. Such comments are easily found among the young, unsophisticated, ignorant, uneducated and/or selfish which most often is a direct result of poor parenting and/or public schooling.

  12. What scares me is too many young men
    raised by just feminist Mommies and
    no man to be found.These boys will become
    dangerous men with no morals or control…
    They come in every race & color BTW.A society
    that allows it’s children,women & elderly to
    be beaten & raped can’t go on forever.
    Millys will have a nightmare life of $HIT.

  13. I can read and write and think on my own, I learned to read phonetically, I can write well in cursive, do a lot of math in my head without using a calculator, fix things if I need to but I have 3 very mechanically inclined brothers as well as my son to help with that. I can also hunt and fish, knew how to use a gun in my teens, I know how to drive a manual transmission automobile, repair a clutch, work hard, be punctual and on time for work etc. etc., read a book (actually lots of books) and understand it. I don’t need a TV, I can live without it if I need to, I like all kinds of music except for rap and hip hop. I was married for 35.5 years so I know how to treat a woman with dignity and respect, love my kids and 4 little granddaughters. I know how to spend money wisely, I can cook well enough to feed myself and others. And I am not afraid of all that is happening now, we’ve been thru far worse except now the media has blown it so far out of proportion as to make far too many people idiots and scared of their own shadows and dependent on the govt.

  14. My opinion,for what it’s worth, is that the millenials have a fair amount to legitimately complain about. But that’s all they do. They don’t have valid solutions. They just want to whine try to force society to adopt worn-out communism as their solution.

    The older generation has it’s share of faults. Among them is not raising their kids properly.

  15. I know it’s a late comment but it’s not Millenials that came up with this. It says “teens.” Millenials aren’t teens anymore. Half the comments on here are bashing Millenials, learn to read ya shit for brain boomers, dumbest, most insecure generation in American history…. who gives a shit what teens are saying?

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