Tennessee AG Lambasts Court Ruling Protecting Transgenders From Being Fired – IOTW Report

Tennessee AG Lambasts Court Ruling Protecting Transgenders From Being Fired

DC: Tennessee’s attorney general criticized a federal court ruling Tuesday, calling on the U.S. Supreme Court to reverse a decision that found a funeral home owner guilty of discrimination after he fired his transgender employee.

[…] The court’s ruling came after Stephens sent his boss a letter in 2013 explaining he felt he had been born in the wrong body, according to WXYZ Detroit. Stephens said he was going to start dressing as a woman and wanted Rost to be aware of the upcoming changes.

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5 Comments on Tennessee AG Lambasts Court Ruling Protecting Transgenders From Being Fired

  1. no need to fire: just give these mentally-ill people more work than they can handle. They’ll quit on their own. Can’t sue based on “workload,” can ya?

  2. I just want you to know that when the Smith Family, who you bilked $10k out of for grandma’s funeral, show up for the viewing that I’m going to dress up like I’m auditioning for RuPaul’s Drag Race.

    Just an FYI. Nothing you can do. Ta-ta.

    We’ll have two funerals that day. Maybe three.

  3. Couldn’t this be considered the same as lying on your resume or mis-representing yourself? If you were hired under a certain set of assumptions, including how you present yourself, and then you subsequently violate those assumptions, why are you not subject to firing? If I was hired and two weeks later got a full MS-13 face tattoo, shouldn’t my employer be allowed to fire me based on the fact that I no longer resembled how I presented myself initially?

  4. This was bound to end up at SCOTUS. The Colorado cake baker wasn’t really a fulsome decision, as it struck down inferior language in the State court.
    So this issue and immigration should and will go before SCOTUS because cowardly congress has relinquished their responsibility to make law. Plus, they’re too busy investigating Trump.


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