Terror Attacks in Belgium Leave at Least 28 Dead – IOTW Report

Terror Attacks in Belgium Leave at Least 28 Dead

Terrorist attacks in a Brussels airport and subway station has left at least 28 people dead, with many more injured. It comes four days after France and Belgium worked jointly to capture the World’s Most Wanted Man, the eighth terrorist from the Paris attacks last year.

No group has taken responsibility as of yet.

Here are a few pictures of the scenes. IOTW Report will have more as the story develops:

Terror Attacks
Photo Credit: the AP

Airport in Brussels Smoke Attack

Brussels Airport Attack

Brussels Terror Attack Windows

Brussels Terror Attack

55 Comments on Terror Attacks in Belgium Leave at Least 28 Dead

  1. ISIS began its life as Jama’at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad in Jordan, 1999. They formed just a few months after Clinton launched a wave of airstrikes against Iraq while he was being impeached. In 2004 they joined Al Queda, which existed since 1989. In 2006 the Islamic State in Iraq was declared, and promptly crushed by the US and the tribes we rented. At this point they were still a small, marginal organization. The Syria Civil War and absorbtion of al-Nursa Front created the ISIS as we know it now.

    But lets blame Bush.

  2. Last Wednesday, DC “unexpectedly” completely shut down the metro for “repairs” and the reasons that the media and the transportation department kept giving were conflicting, confusing and at times hilarious because they actually think people believe their BS.

    I am certain beyond a shadow of a doubt it was because they found that there was a bomb or some sort of explosion scheduled to take place.

  3. Sorry folks I don’t feel bad!

    When 9-11 happened I felt bad and then our leaders did stupid things!

    When various and sundry terrorist activities continually happened around the world I felt bad and then our leaders did stupid things!

    When Paris happened I felt bad and then our leaders did stupid things!

    When San Bernardino happened I felt bad and then our leaders did stupid things.

    Now Brussels has happened and our leaders will do stupid things!

  4. Gahhh! Listening to Cruz’s “statement” on this and I cannot get past his flat, robotic cadence. He’s on the freaking stump 24/7! I won’t be able to stand listening to his voice for 4 years. He would be wise to stop trying to sound “presidential” and simply talk to Americans.

    Now he’s using the opportunity to trash Trump’s AIPAC speech — and lying about it. Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! This is another example of Cruz’s political opportunism — just like Chicago.

  5. They’ve narrowed it down to two groups: the Flemidiots and Walloonitics. Why do they refuse to use the word “terrorist” when referring to the heinous actions of these groups? Doesn’t anyone care about the poor, peaceful muslims caught in the crossfire?

  6. Go Trump! Build that wall, deport all of them. I’m sick of them. This is what happens when you let them into your country. Someday a high ranking official in this country will get killed or one of their family members. It will be too late to do anything – except the American people will hunt them down and bring justice. We’ve got the people and the ability and the wherewithal to do it – try us.

  7. Odin said: “Doesn’t anyone care about the poor, peaceful muslims caught in the crossfire?”

    No I don’t care because IMHO, they’re all one in the same. The so called peaceful ones stand by and do not condemn these terrorists actions.

  8. They are going to have to get tough new legislation over there to outlaw bombs in public places.

    On another take, I am beginning to wonder what IS would do if they had working nukes and rockets… behave, -since they would be defensive only?

    Which has now taken me to “Astro Philosophy!”, (Copyright by me!)

    I think I now know why there is no active communication with advanced extraterrestrial civilizations.

    Apparently there is an “i” v. Christian presence throughout the universe, and corresponding extraterr-libs to cater to them, and do that multicultural thing!

    Once nukes make it to the wrong hands, the “advanced” in “advanced civilations” becomes only a memory. The i’s then have it their way..

    We should start by doing a more thorough job of thinking all this through.

    Maybe we could be the one civilization to reach advanced if we keep our eye on the (“i”) ball!

  9. Thank Gawd the left can blame Trump now. Bush deserves a break. If those people had any brains and balls they’d round up every stinkin rag head and march them to the border. Cut off their welfare and most would self deport. Phukkem. Rag heads are nothing but human garbage.

  10. I miss the good old days when Arabs were cartoon characters riding magic carpets and humping goats.
    Now we have one in the White House and the whole world is a freaking mess.
    Doesn’t anyone care? What are we doing?

  11. Has anyone else here had their fill of “Our thoughts and prayers..” speeches???!

    I am so sick of BLOODY STUPID DO-NOTHINGS bringing up the rear with their “Our hearts go out to…”

    Haven’t we seen enough limbless bodies, decapitated heads, blood-soaked crime scenes? What in the hell?

    If it had been my child, husband, mother, sister — dead, blown up — what is the worse thing that could happen to a muslim whose apartment undergoes a surprise search — their cell phone and computer searched?

    If they had successfully detonated a third bomb on the runway they’d be dealing with a 747 or Airbus mega jet filled to the brim with aviation fuel and potentially 800 charred bodies. Check it out, an economy class configured Airbus A-380 holds more than 800 people.

    We are not safer than Brussels or Paris. AQ and ISIS are a metastasized cancer. In 2011, Pew Research polls showed 49% of American muslims thought of themselves first as muslims, last as Americans. Where are the “moderate” muslims activists who will risk their fighting back against extreme islam?

  12. AA and CC; most aren’t in a position to do anything RE this event.
    That does not mean they do not feel pain over the loss.
    Recognizing that and allowing it voice has a name.
    That name is ‘compassion’.

  13. @JohnS ~ save your compassion… the idiots that build teddy bear & flower ‘monuments’ only do so to make tributes to themselves … their ‘pain’ does not help the dead & maimed

    …how big must their ‘monument’ be before they grasp the situation & start solving the problem?

  14. Oh yes, indeed, JohnS! When it’s your or your family’s turn I will light a candle and you will be in our hearts and prayers…”at this time.”

    How about being in our plans and activities right NOW to head this off before more innocents are compassionately laid to rest?

  15. I tried to get through the comments on this post but TOO MANY ASSHOLES BASHING CRUZ!

    Sorry, did Ted blow some shit up?

    You guys here SUCK!
    You should be ashamed of yourselves.

    Ted Cruz would make a far better president that that douche you support.

    And you know, YOU KNOW deep in your heart that Trump is a goddamn ignorant buffoon!

  16. Loco — Rewind the tape. Trump took a strong stance on immigration and refugee migrants way before Cruz stuck his finger in the air to see which way the political winds were blowing. Cruz has co-opted every one of Trump’s planks on borders, walls, national sovereignty and immigration. If Trump is an ignorant buffoon, what’s Cruz’s excuse?

    Just like the using the anarchists in Chicago, Cruz about peed his pants at the opportunity to turn this horrible tragedy into a Trash Trump moment. Despicable. Low. Slimy. Loser.

  17. Bullshit Cruz had all of his policies for securing the border and banning Muslims from America before Trump.

    BTW: How come if Trump is so concerned about ‘Making america Great’ why didn’t he run in 2008 or 2012 when he knew Obama would be a disaster? Go ahead and explain that Trump Davidians.

  18. Hummm … Every two weeks now, was once a month six months ago, maybe attacks once a week will bring the resolve needed against the “JV” squad?

    There have been hundreds of ‘sand in the eyes’ attacks since 1980’s around the world before the New York 9/11 assault. The final jihad ‘has’ apparently ‘been’ upon us and we act with words for and against doing what will have to be done or surrender to the wishes of a political system that offers it’s own children’s lives in their cause for victory. The interval of the attacks have been reducing length for the past 20 years.

    “we are just days away from fundamentally changing the United States” … who was he talking to?

  19. ML and AA; as the solution is apparent and achievable by you two, by all means, please achieve it.
    If, on the other hand, you are merely demanding action from others, well, that is even less effective than compassion for that is directing blame away from oneself. That is what the BLM does.

  20. @JohnS ~ as you can obviously leap to conclusions in a single bound & ‘apparently’ read my mind, you must already have my solution …. right?

    try reading what I stated instead of pulling an Obama

  21. AA; to refresh your memory, it was right before anyone asked for yours.
    FYI, the progs on this site are easy to identify by their repeated name calling and general dismissive attitude.
    I see it on display in Berkeley all the time.

  22. @JohnS ~ AA posted @ 9:52 AM & again @ 12:26 PM. you posted a response to AA on 1:06 PM …. soooooo….

    “And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men.” ~ Matthew 6:5

  23. Amish at it again?

    Darned Mennonites always blowing shit up!

    izlam must be destroyed.
    Root, Branch, Body, and Soul.

    Contrary to official maunderings, sometimes violence IS the answer.

    “Be the fustest, with the mostest!”

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