Texas Bar Owner Explains Why He’s Organizing The Next ‘Freedom Fest’ Protest Against Closures – IOTW Report

Texas Bar Owner Explains Why He’s Organizing The Next ‘Freedom Fest’ Protest Against Closures

“It’s a complete double standard right in front of your face every single day,” said Polone. ” In my view 99 percent of restaurants have a bar top in it, it’s not like 51-percenter’s patrons quit drinking, they went some place else.”

11 Comments on Texas Bar Owner Explains Why He’s Organizing The Next ‘Freedom Fest’ Protest Against Closures

  1. They suspended at least 18 bar owners licenses for 30 days after the last Freedom Fest. Well what good does that do when there is no date for them to reopen anyway. Equally ridiculous is they have the river and lake park access closed and are actively ticketing people venturing in. They’ve literally put road blocks they man in some areas. All Abbott is focusing on is opening up schools.

  2. LCD

    I don’t know bud, I’m pretty impressed with Huntington Beach right now. I’m holding out hope for our state this election cycle. Particularly if they stop the illegals from voting.
    Texas may be the new California.

  3. Texas has 5 big blue cities that are running the show/narrative and Abbott is too busy trying to appease them believing that is his path to re-election in 2022. Another career politician that wants to run Texas forever. Two terms is enough and we need a primary candidate to rally around (Lt Patrick). I don’t know how the man sleeps at night knowing he is bankrupting industries he has decided can’t open. And he sure did a 180 on punishing individuals as many of us can now be fined for mask infractions, have business licenses pulled etc.

  4. “Texas may be the new California.”

    Ignorance on steroids.

    Are some politicians in Texas acting unconstitutionally? Yes. Is the state anywhere close to the 1 party control that has turned CA into a shithole? No

    Are there cities in Texas that have 10 0f 1,000s of homeless psychotics sleeping under bridges? Crapping all over sidewalks? Shooting drugs up in public? Breaking into cars or walking into stores and stealing under $950 and not being prosecuted? Ever notice the “CA exception” for almost any firearm purchase?

    Seriously, I could go on for hours.

    There’s hyperbole and there’s ignorance and likening Texas to the shit hole of CA is weapons grade ignorance.

  5. MMinAR
    I live in a county in California that would make any county in Texas look like a Mecca for Libtards asshole. Shit Hole, really. That’s why everyone flocks here.
    Ignorance is on steroids and it’s on your part. Recognizing the problem is 9 tenths of the cure moron. Texas is well on it’s way.

  6. BRAD

    Cerritos has been probably more conservative. Ron got 84% in ’84; the leftist winner in ’00 only 41% – i never voted for the lib GWB-! Almost nobody has ever been FREETO BANDITO. Every block had a fireworks party 4 weeks back!

    If the libs running the state GOP ever allow a conservative on the ballot it will get at least 75% here!

    My friends understand “Freedom is not free!”! Some of them were on rooftops in the Rodney Riots 30 years back. We are TParty freedom loving folk! Gruesome come get our guns!
    I admit Im so old that death would not be a tragedy!

  7. an ol exJarhead

    I need to agree with the commenter above. We desperately need you seasoned guys around. As far as the vote goes, I’m hearing about a lot of Dem voters that are not happy.


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