DOE Recovers 27 Cents On The Dollar From Obama Era Solar Boondoggle – IOTW Report

DOE Recovers 27 Cents On The Dollar From Obama Era Solar Boondoggle

Daily Caller

The Department of Energy reached a settlement Thursday to recover $200 million in taxpayer funds from a loan the Obama administration distributed in 2011 to finance a $1 billion solar power plant that was deemed obsolete before it could officially go online.

The settlement between DOE and Tonopah Solar Energy must now be approved by a bankruptcy court, the Las Vegas Review Journal reported.

The DOE provided a $737 million loan to Tonopah in September 2011 for the purposes of financing the $1.1 billion Crescent Dunes Solar Energy Project in Nevada. The agency disbursed funds for the plant in 2011 and 2013 before the project experienced problems requiring improvements, rendering the Crescent Dunes obsolete by 2015, Bloomberg reported in January. More

20 Comments on DOE Recovers 27 Cents On The Dollar From Obama Era Solar Boondoggle

  1. Dept. of energy was created by Jimmy Carter for the sole
    purpose of getting the USA off of foreign oil.They have 16,000
    ferderal employees who sit in cubicles and peck on computer key
    boards all day.They produce ‘vapor ware’.

  2. Why on earth would you put a power generating facility 300 miles from any population large enough to use the power, if you didn’t have to? Tonapah doesn’t get any more sunshine that Las Vegas. And the loss from resistance has to be tremendous.

    We were wondering why this thing wasn’t “lit up” on our recent trip past it on U.S.95.

  3. It’s time to furlough about 70% of all Federal employees. Go ahead, keep them on payroll with no raises or COLA adjustments, go ahead and give them their pensions. It would still cost us less than maintaining those agencies full of obstructionist, fraud-waste-and-abuse, regulation-happy, white-collar welfare recipients. We like to call them “do-nothings”, but they are a lot worse than that. It’s better to have them actually not doing anything.

  4. It wasnt a boondoggle – it was a transfer – theft, really – of our money to communist and islamic causes.
    Obama, biden, both clintons, pelosi and kerry are traitors of epic proportions.

  5. Yeah, I was about to write that “boondoggle” is a funny word for embezzlement – skim – theft – graft – corruption – payoff – whatever you call it when politically connected maggots are given money extorted from the taxpayer by political maggots and then the politically connected maggots donate some of the extorted swag back to the political maggots.

    But I guess I won’t – cuz Anonymous beat me to it.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. They ought to have painted the hardware to look like a giant-sized silver dollar on laundry spin cycle.

    Now I’m waiting to hear what Harry Reid has to say about it. Nah, maybe not, the old sob was right in the middle of the laundering, he’ll prefer to keep a low profile, and besides, his voice is irritating. I’d rather not hear it, maybe only read crappola spin.

  7. Tim — I’d like to hear you (fist pounding for emphasis) repeat that rant in front of a congressional committee. I would.

    I think I’m going to make a suggestion that The People get their day in congress to make their unfiltered voices heard. Forget the Big Block of Cheese Day! It’s an insult to be treated like mice.

  8. Radiationman

    Well, except before that it was called Manhattan Engineer District. Rather misleading since a ton of research was done at Sandia National Labs back in the day for our little gift to Japan back in the day.

  9. @Brad
    My best friend’s father was Dr. Clarence Larson – Look him up.
    He created the chemical process to refine uranium that lead to the atomic bomb and nuclear power. He eventualy ran Oak Ridge and then the Atomic Energy Commission until Carter turned it into the Dept. of Energy. At that point he said F-it and retired. He palled around with all the nuclear geniuses of the world, but one-on-one he was the nicest guy. As a kid I had no idea who he really was.
    Here is a link to his biolographical video and others he recorded of his scientist friends back in the 1970s in his livingroom.


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