Texas : Muslim teacher’s bizarre religious rant under investigation after cops called to classroom – IOTW Report

Texas : Muslim teacher’s bizarre religious rant under investigation after cops called to classroom


…Students told FOX4 that Mashburn walked in about 20 minutes late and promptly turned off the lights. He was wearing a baseball hat, a beanie, a scarf over his face and gloves.

“The kid next to me had said he was acting very strange, and I looked over at the girl next to me and she seemed very scared,” student April McLeod said.

The students said Mashburn then started talking about the Muslim holy book the Koran and the moon and the dark night.

“Mostly he was talking about different things of the Muslim faith,” McLeod said. “I was in class for about five minutes. He kept messing with his pocket and you could tell there was an object in the right-hand pocket. And whenever he went to pull out his hand, I started having this really bad feeling and jumped up and ran out of the classroom.”

She added: “At one point he stood face-to-face with the board of the classroom and was just talking to the board.”  more here


16 Comments on Texas : Muslim teacher’s bizarre religious rant under investigation after cops called to classroom

  1. Clearly mentally ill.
    Students should be protected from, not offered up in sacrifice to, a sick pup like him.

    If the Comm College doesn’t remove him from the classroom they are unworthy of the public’s support. If my taxes supported that school, I’d be in front of the Admin. Bldg, shotgun in hand, demanding resolution stat. Austin metro area?

    As an aside, there is more science in the Old Testament than the goat fuckers’ handbook.


    Any teacher who comes to the classroom and passive-aggressively intimidates students (non-muslims) should be fired for any number of reasons, take your pick!

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