Claim: Texas Will Be Predominantly Hispanic in 2022 – IOTW Report

Claim: Texas Will Be Predominantly Hispanic in 2022

The Texas Tribune reports that Whites are already a minority in Texas- the Black, Hispanic and Asian populations are a majority over whites.

The Hispanic birth rate is 9-1 over whites and they are expected to be the majority ethnicity in Texas in just 2 years.

story here

20 Comments on Claim: Texas Will Be Predominantly Hispanic in 2022

  1. comments are good –>

    Marty- The headline is odd (best) or misleading (worst) because it presents two overlapping census categories as if they were mutually exclusive. The US Census Bureau (CB) treats racial identity and Hispanic ethnicity as different but overlapping concepts. We can all see the 2018 population estimate for Texas is 28.7 million people, and that 78.8% of Texans identified themselves as white (22.6 million). If you read the census report, instead of just look at it, we find 47.3% of white Texan respondents also identified having an Hispanic origin (10.7 million), while 52.7% of those respondents identified as not-Hispanic (11.9 million). The authors’ comparison is made more problematic by two complicating facts: 1) when people check the Hispanic origin box, they may be describing themselves or acknowledging some ancestor from 150 years ago; and 2) respondents may freely check the non-Hispanic origin box even if they do have an Hispanic ancestor(s) somewhere along their line. To wrap up, unless the authors intended this article to be click bait, they could’ve spent more time reading and parsing the census report before reporting what they did.

    Dewberry- This is great news! Most Texas Hispanics want nothing to do with socialism, Planned Parenthood death camps and still believe in God! ALL TEXANS FOR TRUMP – MAGA!

    Myk999 – That is my exact experience with Mexicans. MAGA

  2. The report may be false but the trend is towards more latinos just because of massive amounts of illegals invading our country. It’s already a fact in Calif. and it happened in record time.

  3. Well, tittle my tittles! Another article on a different site professes that white Americans are moving to Mexico in greater numbers than are Mexicans to America! Texas is becoming Hispanic and Mexico is becoming white! Who is getting the best of that deal!

  4. Remember the Alamo, as the saying goes.

    I guess they did take it (the cannon) – or are about to?

    Simple solution: as soon as they cross, shoot the males and let the women and children go back to tell the tale.

  5. We need a campaign, complete with “statistics” that show the recent reversals in abortion laws is a direct result of the inflow of Hispanics who identify as Christians and pro-life. We could finally be successful in getting progressives on-board with border control.

  6. Between this and the corruption of our educational systems, we have lost our country. It’s going to separate.

    It’s just a matter of geography. I’ll go to Trumpsyvania, wherever it is. You can keep Pelosivania for the animals who will overrun it from within.

  7. Anonymous JUNE 21, 2019 AT 5:06 PM


    He said anonymously!

    Go look in the mirror. You’re the faggot coward that’s too afraid to speak without hiding!

    “Texas. Where the locals forgot how to procreate.”

    Please tell us about all the babies you’ve created personally.

    If it isn’t 10 or more, you’re failing as a self-proclaimed “Catholic”, aren’t you?

  8. Honkies better step up, it might be too late but two kids ain’t gonna cut the mustard. Some of you fell for the over population bull or you thought you couldn’t keep your kids in $100 jeans and $300 shoes as well as paying for their college education… foolish, not thinking ahead.
    My wife and I had 12 kids, all law abiding, healthy, tax paying, Christian, conservative men and women, along with the cutest grandchildren the world has ever seen.
    Children are a blessing our creator has proclaimed, they are not burdens, they are blessings and I’m so proud of all of them.
    They are part of the future, they are our hope that we can turn this thing around but come on people! Family is everything, it’s the life blood of this society, teach your kids to have kids and raise them right.
    Hey Moe Tom you’ll like this old Irish blessing:
    “May your children’s children have children”
    ps our 13th child is in heaven, named Samuel.. can’t wait to see him.

    pss We aren’t catholic, protestant, bible believing Christians.


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