Independent Sentinel
On Thursday, Daily Wire reporter James Lalino revealed the Bidenistas are rushing the sale of massive amounts of border material to auction. Panels will be offered for as cheap as five cents a panel.
It’s more of the Biden regime’s effort to make Donald Trump’s transition “smooth.”
The Daily Wire posted a video of the panels being carted away from the border.
The panels are being removed from hotbeds of illegal crossings. This is treasonous. more
Any scrap dealer that didn’t immediately return the panels back to the United States governments possession should be executed….
I watched the interview on FOX with the Lt Gov of Texas who claims they’re buying every bit of it back so Trump can hit the ground running. Can’t remember the dudes name but he was damn impressive.
Biden is doing all he can to cause as much harm as possible to the country that made him rich beyond most peoples’ dreams.
I would personally strangle Biden if I could get my han
Another reason I am proud to now call TX my home (1 yr and counting).
The harder they try to thwart President Trump’s agenda the harder it will end up biting them after he takes office.
the yt-***** in the yt_hut will keep shitting on america until it’s ****** ass is flushed j20
I’m waiting for the Feds to start posting anonymously here again trying to stir shit up. 🤔
36 days to go. You ain’t seen nothing yet.
Purchased with tax dollars, how did Biden have the legal right to steal the wall materials and who has the money now??
The worst of it is the contracts to build the wall that Biden cancelled. We still had to pay the contractors for work not completed. A lot of the materials purchased under those contracts had already been liquidated by Biden early in his term.
Also, rumor is that Biden is actually selling pardons. I believe it. It fits the profile of this greedy, traitorous bastard.
Seems par for the course. After all, Uncle Sam still mints pennies at a cost of nearly 7 cents apiece.
Brad: That would be Dan Patrick, and yes he is. Should be our Governor! We’re hopeful that President Trump taps Abbot for something and gets him out of the way.
tx assembly-******* are the biggest problem in the state
Yes, you are correct … Brandon, (AKA Joe Biden,) is a cvnt.
Hugh, has anyone looked at outsourcing penny manufacture to The Lego Group? After all dropping a penny an the floor sounds much like dropping a small Lego block. Wait. No. Legos are expensive. Let’s just stick to what we know and outsource penny manufacture to China.
^^^ I’d rather step on a penny than a Lego!
a penny is worth 1 cent, but it can be worth 1 cent millions of times over in its life….quitcher bitchin and leave my pennies alone!!!
But The Big Guy is still getting his 10%, right?
Face it finally – biden is a compromised traitor. And his whole family.